DEV Community

Learn faster with this trick from Pokémon Go and Cognitive Science

Yaphi Berhanu on October 04, 2017

Reduce the distance between milestones, and you'll go much farther. That's what I learned from a seasonal update to Pokémon Go's reward systems. ...
hiway profile image
Harshad Sharma

Thank you for writing this!

I learned this 'trick' for achieving longer milestones from my motorcycle riding and car driving experiences, pretty much the same as your observation in Pokémon Go: if I focused on the fact that I had another 800km to drive, it felt daunting. However I realised that if I targeted the next big town somewhere under 100km, I could easily do those 100km 8 times over :D

yaphi1 profile image
Yaphi Berhanu

Glad you liked it!

One of my favorite things about this is that it's a pattern that works for a lot of things.

inceptioncode profile image
Darrell Washington

Ironically I started to learn HTML5 canvas not even a week ago. This post came right on time. I was close to jumping into to big of a “canvas,” that would keep me from learning anything. Thanks I will make my projects smaller from now on.

yaphi1 profile image
Yaphi Berhanu

Glad the timing worked out!

damian profile image

This is one of the side-effects I get from TDD. Write the smallest working pieces possible until you have a big thing!

yaphi1 profile image
Yaphi Berhanu

Great point! It definitely makes a big project less daunting.

inceptioncode profile image
Darrell Washington

This is also why I love coding. It allows you to see life and all the things that comes with it, as a sum of patterns.