DEV Community

Discussion on: Google had major outages on Sunday

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar

It's pretty forgivable as Google ain't commonly known of such outages...

Actually, that's what I love about Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. I feel the robustness when I use their products (esp. Google search engine).

The oppoisite goes with Facebook; I feel it has always been fragile, and I hate it for that!

shreyasht profile image
Shreyash • Edited

Isn't that how you "Move Fast, Break Things ?"


yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar


ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I feel like Google practically invented modern high-scale architecture. With an origin story as an academic project with major scaling ideas built in as a principle concept, it kind of makes sense that reliability has always been their core thing—vs Facebook which was a PHP app scaled by any means necessary along the way, makes sense that they wouldn’t be known for reliability per se.

But these companies all pull off amazing things in this regard. There are plenty of reasons to criticize the tech giants, I’d say reliability isn’t one of them. They all do fairly amazing work.