DEV Community

Discussion on: How do you organize pet-projects?

yaythomas profile image
yaythomas • Edited

I keep a local scratch dir, which is pretty a much a pile of work-in-progress, experiments and things that break everything. A scratch-pad, even. 😂

For work with any permanence, that goes into a very well organised source/git dir, with sub-dirs for owner/org and then repo.

Work-in-progress goes on feature branches in git. If it's really just some wild experimentation, I might not push these up, so these might just be local branches - but even so, the git diff/compare functionality is very useful, also commits & rollbacks while still experimenting.

If the work-in-progress reaches a point of sensible stability, or where I would get annoyed if I lost it even if it's not "complete", push it up.

jeremyjaydan profile image
Jeremy J Parmenter

discovery is also a great term!