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Visual Migraines

So, for something completely different.

The other day, i think it was monday, i suddenly started getting a visual migraine. It starts with like, the tiniest spot in you visual aura that you could spot. Like a small bug. A something. But i immediately realized it was there.
So i drove on for lil to confirm it was there (as in, actually a thing and slightly growing). And that moment may be the only dangerous part really, realizing it is happening; but by now i got totally used to it. And it further progressed as usual.
And i knew. Practically, the visual thing is not an issue. At all. However, in about a minute or 5-10. And lasting up to a +35-180minutes. Effects will kick in.
I got used to effects over time and they become way lax if you actually. relax. any amount of stress may strengthen it. Any amount you go with the flow, it just fades.
Anyways, parked the car, just 3 minutes away. All safe and in onset. Walked the dog as usual. After half a mile the river where i sat for a good 35 min+. Dog getting b0red, we heading back and all good. Slowly.
Just a testimony. #visualmigraine attacks

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