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Self-Hosted Git Server with Gogs

Zorex Salvo on March 03, 2018

What is Gogs? Gogs ( is a painless self-hosted Git service. If you want to have your own GitHub-like service, it’s the best choice for me...
remejuan profile image
Reme Le Hane

Seems like an interesting approach, but Gitlab will also give you unlimited free and 1000x10gb private repos, bitbucket gives unlimited private repos but limits you on team members.

This is only really a great solution if you a little more paranoid or an enterprise wanting to control the source code in your own data center.

pinguxx profile image

check gitlab, you can have private projects too

rgo profile image

Hi Zorex, great post! For me Gogs didn't really work out. I feel it is missing some features that other (hosted) Git servers have. CI/CD for example. I did like the simplicity and ease of use, though.