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_aadidev profile image
Darth Espressius

Grid Systems in Graphic Design - Josef Müller-Brockmann
Layout Essentials: 100 Design Principles for Using Grids - Beth Tondreau

were two incredibly helpful and practical books I read getting into Layout design (which I used for brochures and reports). However, the grid system is something at the heart of every design (UI or other), and I think it really helped me how to see different elements, and how different aspects of a design (e.g. proximity) influences what the user would actually think about the elements (e.g. relationship between highly proximal elements)

Also, the thefuturacademy on YouTube always has very practical advice with sound examples

zefur profile image
The Silent Partner

Thanks for these I am always looking to try and develop my own style with designing as opposed to only relying on bootstrap. These will help =]