Simple AutoComplete Component built using a custom built useAutoComplete
hook I built using the vue composition api. Since I am quite fond of Ionic Framework's Web Components, I used the components to construct a clean presentation of the work.
The hook takes in two parameters, options
which is the array of data to search, and optionKey
which is what property in the array of objects to search on.
I this example I have loaded in some data from to populate the array of data and I am used the email
property as my filter.
The dropdown that appears in the ion-card
component from Ionic Framework; and the rest of the magic is accomplished using css
with some position.
import { toRefs, reactive } from "@vue/composition-api";
const useAutoComplete = (options, key) => {
let state = reactive({
userInput: "",
filteredSuggestions: [],
suggestions: options,
selectedItem: {}
let selected = _item => {
state.userInput = _item[key];
state.filteredSuggestions = [];
state.selectedItem = { userInput: state.userInput, item: _item };
let onChange = _event => {
let i = state.userInput;
state.selectedItem = { userInput: state.userInput, item: null };
if (i.length === 0) {
state.filteredSuggestions = [];
const r = state.suggestions.filter(
suggestion => suggestion[key].toLowerCase().indexOf(i.toLowerCase()) > -1
state.filteredSuggestions = r;
return {
export default useAutoComplete;
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