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Tell a Story about You & RT-Thread.

Open Source RT-Thread IoT OS Project has hit 12000 followers on social media platforms.

So we’re launching this Campaign: Tell a Story About You & RT-Thread!

We want to invite you to share your journeys and experiences with RT-Thread, eg, how did you get to know about RT-Thread? What features of RT-Thread IoT OS impressed you the most? What you’ve done with RT-Thread? Project Showcase? What do you expect to be featured on RT-Thread IoT OS next? Just anything you want to share.

A post or a paragraph of code, or a picture or an article, all works! Remember to mention RT-Thread IoT OS on social media platforms or send us a message to inform us.

Let’s make it more detailed:

To Enter:

  1. Follow RT-Thread IoT OS on Twitter, Facebook, or Linkedin, to keep updated with this campaign.

  2. Share a post, a paragraph of code, a picture, or an article that can tell your stories with RT-Thread on RT-Thread Club or anywhere you like! If you’re sharing on social media platforms don’t forget to mention RT-Thread IoT OS.

Winners: We’ll send out 10 RISC-V Instruction full picture Desk Mat to 10 participants!

Image description

Winners Announcement: August 15

Let’s Party! We are very much looking forward to receiving anything!

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