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Accessibility Tips for Web Developers

Addy Osmani on December 04, 2019

It's awesome to build sites that are inclusive and accessible to everyone. There are at least six key areas of disability we can optimize for: visu...
jannikwempe profile image
Jannik Wempe

Awesome in depth and visually appealing article, thanks :-)

I am just wondering how to see information about color and contrast while inspecting elements. Inspecting an element in chrome only shows me the first line of the tooltip in your screenshot.

ismaelgt profile image
Ismael González Trujillo

Make sure you've clicked this button first, and then hover in the page element.

jannikwempe profile image
Jannik Wempe

Ah, thank you. I was just hovering the element in the toolbar...

ryansmith profile image
Ryan Smith

Good stuff as always! Bookmarked this for later.

Great points about keyboard-only navigation, screen readers, sound, color, and high contrast modes. It seems that addressing visual impairments (alt text and color contrast) is the most frequently discussed and accounted for, so thank you for outlining other potential issues and ways to address them.

jimkiely profile image

I love the article and it has so much useful information. Have you ever thought about breaking up your article into smaller chunks or a series. The reason why I'm asking because large artilces are very overwelming to some readers. Content that is so large can be an accessibilty issue. Small chunks of information can be a reference to someone to bookmark or pass to someone who needs this information. Great job with the article.

elanandkumar profile image
Anand Kumar


Bookmarked it and read it.

sergeydruid profile image
Sergey Aleksashov

It's always nice reading an article by Addy, Thank you as always!

julianonunes profile image
Juliano Marques Nunes

Hey Addy, would you mind if I translate your blog post to portuguese and post it to my!