DEV Community

Discussion on: What are you excited to learn next?

aimerib profile image
Aimeri Baddouh
  1. Elm and Haskell (or Elixir)
  2. I've been interested in functional programming since I watched a video on Haskell a couple of years ago, but never felt quite ready to take the plunge.

I'm not sure whether I'll go the Haskell route first or the Elixir route. I think it is fascinating how Haskell is revered as a pure functional language and it seems really mature, but really hard to get started. Elixir reminds me a lot of Ruby's syntax, so it might be the lower resistance route into functional programming for the back-end.

As a follow up to your post, what kinds of projects do you have in mind for your Go learning?

cathyc93 profile image
Cathy Casey-Richards

Nice! I love functional programming. 😀

I don't currently have a specific project in mind for learning Go. I'm planning to start with some tutorials & documentation and then see what sort of ideas are inspired from that!