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Why should developers consider using Vite instead of other build tools?

In the realm of modern web development, the choice of build tools significantly influences the efficiency and productivity of developers.

Vite emerges as a compelling option, offering a plenty of advantages that set it apart from traditional build tools like Webpack or Parcel.

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One of the primary reasons developers gravitate towards Vite is its remarkable speed. Unlike conventional bundlers that employ a time-consuming bundling process, Vite leverages native ES Module (ESM) imports to serve code directly to the browser during development. This innovative approach drastically reduces startup time, enabling near-instantaneous hot module replacement (HMR) and accelerating the development workflow.

With Vite, developers can experience unparalleled agility, seamlessly iterating on their projects without enduring the sluggishness often associated with traditional build setups.

Unique features of Vite

  1. Built-in development server with fast refresh
  2. Ultra-fast startup time due to ESM (ECMAScript Modules)
  3. Minimal configuration required
  4. Supports instant HMR without full page reloads
  5. Optimizes asset loading for faster development and Supports CSS preprocessors.

Let's Get started using Vite

First and Foremost, make sure have Node.js ≥v18 installed on your machine, then create a Vite project by running the following command in the terminal:

npm create vite@latest
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This command will prompt you choose the project name, framework and variant ( ex:Typescript )

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Below are the key files from vite-poc project:

  1. index.html - A Root file, found in public folder of project.
  2. main.tsx - A file where creating root for React DOM.
  3. vite.config.json - The configuration file for vite project.

Running the application

cd vite-poc
npm install
npm run dev
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


In summary, developers should consider using Vite over other build tools for its unparalleled speed, minimalist configuration, built-in support for modern web technologies, seamless integration with popular frameworks, and extensibility through plugins. By embracing Vite, developers can unlock new levels of productivity and efficiency in their frontend development workflows, ultimately delivering superior web experiences to their users.

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