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Akriti Singh
Akriti Singh

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10 Fun Ways of Helping Kids Learn the ABCs

A new-born baby is like a blank page. Whatever you write, it becomes your biography! Helping your kid learn the lessons of life is an intimidating task. And especially when you start with the basics like how to start learning letters and numbers, it becomes very challenging. But what if you turn this challenge in a fun learning activity?

Kids these days are curious, they learn with exploring new things, games, watching, listening, reading and observing things. With the advancement of technology, they started learning things digitally. There are a lot of alphabet games that can help your kid learn ABCs with fun. Here is a compilation of the top 10 fun ways of helping kids learn the ABCs. Please let us know, which one you tried and what’s your favourite trick!

1. Draw & Learn

Kids are born creative and their creativity can be directed towards drawing and learning alphabets.

The Foam Learning

Create froth with the help of a detergent, shaving cream or a spray in the washroom and ask your kid to draw alphabets and erase them. Kids love playing in the washroom with water and bubbles, let them learn with this fun activity.

Colourful Alphabets

Once their drawing makes sense, you can give them crayons to draw the alphabet with the same colour. For example, draw ‘B’ with a blue crayon in hand or ‘Y’ with a yellow one.

2. The Artistic Hand
Creative kids will enjoy this way to learn ABCs with fun.

Clay Moulding

Kids love playing with clay and can craft their dream of the castle with it. Give them new challenges to mould alphabets with the help of clay. Ask them to mould different alphabets with different shades.

Thread Craft

Give a thread roll to your kid and ask them to mould different alphabets with small pieces of thread and paste it with glue on a paper. If there are different colours of thread, that will be cherry on the cake.

3.The Magnet Puzzle

Kids like puzzles and especially with it come to play with magnet stickers.

Fridge Magnet Stickers

I like the fridge magnet stickers trending these days. These are one of the simplest methods to learn the concept of the alphabet. The round-shaped or square with images associated with every alphabet makes it fun learning. Kids can play on a refrigerator or on almirah by arranging the orders or associating them with the relevant object.

Letter Collage

If not a magnet, then give a bunch of old magazines to your child and ask them to find certain alphabet and letters. Ask them to cut and glue it on a sheet in alphabetic order, an alphabet with a word or other various patterns.

4.Edible Alphabets

You must have seen the edible alphabet snacks. Kids love playing with them. You name the alphabet and your kids will find and eat it. That’s the best way to learn ABCs with fun with a good treat. There are several alphabet foods available like alphabet pasta, cereal, and crackers at a good grocery store.

5.Turn into Alphabet

Kids are flexible and to ensure they exercise on a regular basis you can play this alphabet game with your kids. You name an alphabet and ask your kid to shape their body as per the alphabet. They need to bend it like the alphabet or draw the alphabet with their body parts.

6.Alphabet on the Go

When you are out for a walk on the street, ask your kid to recognize alphabets and names on the shop names. I always ask my kids to read out every name or signboard that comes on the way!

7.The Alphabet Drill

On weekends when you spend outdoor time with your kids, when your kid dribbles basketball, walk on foot, jumps the rope or paddle the cycle, as them to repeat after the next alphabet. Let they rhyme with the motion as it’s a fun way or learning alphabet.

8.The Alphabet Radium

Stick glowing alphabets on the roof and when you switch off the lights, ask your kid to find and locate the alphabet on the wall. When the kid will go to bed while remembering the alphabet letters, he will retain the information.

9.The Letter Dish

Draw alphabets on the round dining plate and ask your kids to start eating from a particular alphabet. you can also make use of Alphabet candies and ask your kid to park every alphabet candy to the associated alphabet drawn on the plate. Once all are arranged properly, they can eat all the candies.

10. ABCD Drawing App

If your kid is fond of playing on your smartphone, or you are busy with your work from home deliverables, you can install one of the most wonderful alphabet games app to engage them for independent learning.
ABCD Drawing App for kids has got a beautiful and intuitive interface that it becomes the first love of the kids. Different sound for action helps the kids learn better. The app has got wonderful animations and also helps the kids in learning basic colours. It’s a good platform to start learning alphabets and numbers without any Ads for continuous engagement.

Summing Up

There are hundreds of other games, it totally depends what you like and what you think your kids will like. Afterall your kids are born with a blank page and it’s you who is going to write their story. You may also try and explore games like Alphabet Fishing, Frozen Alphabet with an ice tray, Alphabet Gel, Alphabet Cups, Alphabet Sand Moulding, Alphabet on Football pentagon, Alphabet Balloon, Backyard Alphabet Tree, and dozens of other alphabet games. But when it comes to digital learning, you are going to love ABCD Drawing App to learn ABCs with fun.

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