DEV Community

Alex Gwartney
Alex Gwartney

Posted on

12 5

Keeping track of your goals

This week I wanted to talk about goals. Specifically,how you should be keeping track of your progress toward your goals. I have been playing around with this for a while now. And I have come up with a solution that has been working for me. So rather than first just saying I want to complete x goal. And hit the ground running you need to give yourself a way of tracking this. And the way I have been doing so is through a journal. At the beginning of each week I write a main goal that will help lead to my overall goal.

I then write down the steps that I will need to complete to finish this goal by the end of the week. This way at the end of the week I will be able to show the progress I have made. And over all check if I met the goals. If I met the goals for the week I move on and repeat the process.If not, I write the goals I missed from the previous week and repeat the process.I feel like this has been working because it gives me a way of seeing the overall progress I have made over time. Rather than just saying I am working toward a massive goal and then getting overwhelmed by the amount of work I need to complete that goal. I also wanted to ask you guys. How do you guys keep track of your goals?

So as usual here is what I have been working on.

This past week I have not really had the chance to work on any code. As I have been dealing with a million other things. But I wanted to post the most recent project I have been working on. To help me on my journey toward graphics programming. I have been studying endless amounts of math. To help me understand the math better. I have been working on small programs. This specific one will be used to factor out quadratic equations. Using completing the square.

As always thanks for reading.

Top comments (3)

nicolaraluk profile image
Raluca Nicola

Thanks for sharing :)

I also have weekly goals and this works for me. I write them down at the beginning of the week and I try to be realistic about it, so that they're not too big/vague. It's mostly things like: document and create samples for this feature or get data for this visualization or go through this tutorial etc.

alexgwartney profile image
Alex Gwartney

Your welcome. Thanks for sharing as well. And yea I think the biggest hurdle is making the goal realistic. It’s so easy to put for instance become employee at google by the end of the week lol. Just to obviously not get there. And I think that can also lead down a road of oh I didn’t make my goal maybe Iam not good enough ect. So it’s really important to keep your goals realistic so you can gauge your progress appropriately.

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

((((I don't))))

And I should. I tend to keep notes in my phone or in READMEs but there's no real process to it.