Note: This post was originally posted on
Something I really like about being a developer is that you learn all the time: a pattern, a lib, an obscure configuration trick... In the heat of the action, you're glad, but a few days later, you often forget. It is at these time that you think it would have been a good idea to take notes.
I've already tried some notepads: jrnl, but I've never been able to remember the commands, boostnote that I don't use when I code because it's an extra window, or gist but I can't keep it organized...
And this summer, I received this link "did.txt file" file in my changelog newsletter.
Here is how Patrick introduces his blog post:
Goal: create an insanely simple “did” file accessible by terminal
And that's right, it's very simple (it's just adding an alias in your .bash_profile
or .zshrc
) and bloody effective :
alias did="vim +'normal Go' +'r!date' ~/did.txt"
A did
command opens a file into the terminal - so you don't leave your working environment - with the current date. All you have to do is write down this little thing you've just learned.

And I really liked the idea of having a new tool built only with what is already present on the system. But in fact, it's a little too simple. For example, here is what happens if you use did twice on the same day:

Two problems made me think that I would not integrate this command as it stands in my daily routine:
- All notes are in a single file, and because did is a daily note-taking tool, this file may become too long to be usable. The point of taking notes is to be able to read them again!
The file is in
format, which severely limits the possibilities of formatting, such as code extracts.
This post documents how I customized this good idea to my needs. I tried to keep the same simplicity as the original did and continuing to use only what was already available in the terminal.
One logbook per week
I work in a two-week time box (sprint), so cutting the single file into several weekly logbooks was obvious.
I'll not go into the implementation's details, but show you the (almost) final result. The --help
option, man
and Google were my friends to get this result.
export DID_PATH=~/.did
function did(){
export LC_ALL=C
if [ ! -f ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).txt ]; then
echo "Week $(date +"%V (%B %Y)") \n\n$(date +"%A %Y-%m-%d")" > ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).txt
FILE_EDITION_DATE="$(stat -c "%y" ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).txt)"
NOW="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")"
if [ ${FILE_EDITION_DATE:0:10} != ${NOW} ]; then
echo "\n$(date +"%A %Y-%m-%d")\n" >> ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).txt
unset LC_ALL
vim +'normal Go' ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).txt
Here are the points that seem important to me.
A function rather than an alias: with the introduction of a logic
if the log exists, then, else
, it was necessary to replace the simple alias by a shell function.if [ ! -f ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).txt ]; then
command: it's the command I've tested the most. Here it's simply used to format the current date. For exampledate +%Y-%V
command: it allows to retrieve a lot of information about a file, such as the date of the last modificationstat -c "%y" ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).txt
. This is what allowed me to know if the file had already been edited in the day or not, to decide whether or not to add this date when the logbook file is open.The terminal locale: the
command is sensitive to the terminal locale. So I had months and days in French. Yep, my system is in french! To be able to keep my notes in English, it was necessary to change the terminal locale during the execution of the command withLC_ALL=C
.The environment variable
: this variable is very logical. It simplifies script writing and allows to easily change the storage folder. But it has a great side effect: by using direnv, it will allow you to create a logbook per project!

This new command gets the job done since now it creates one file per week instead of a single file. But this improvement would also be a good example for David Kadavy's article "Complexity is creepy: It’s never just one more thing”.
Indeed, my one more thing brings its share of questions:
- With the original
, I always opened the same file. But nowdid
opens the current week's logbook. How will I view my notes from last week? - If I want to open a past logbook, how will I know which ones exist?
- With the original
, I could do a search withvim
inside my single file. But now, how am I going to find a note through all logbooks?
View a specific logbook : didv (view)
function didv(){
if [ $1 ]
cat ${DID_PATH}/${1}.txt
if [ ! -f ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).txt ]; then
LC_ALL=C echo "# Week $(date +"%V (%B %Y)") \n\n## $(date +"%A %Y-%m-%d")" > ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).txt
cat ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).txt
This function is simpler than did
's, but it introduces the use of command arguments: if [ $1 ]
. didv
opens the current log and didv 2018-32
the log for week 32.
is in charge of displaying the file.

List weekly logbooks: didl (list)
I thought that setting up the list of logs would be the fastest feature to set up. I pragmatically tested the ls
and tree
commands :

But two things bothered me:
- I didn't want to display the file extension (for example I want
instead of2018-32.txt
), - I wanted to display the month corresponding to the week number to make the list more readable.
Display the month as from the week number with date
has been the most complicated part of that did
improvement day!
function week2Month(){
export LC_ALL=C
year=$(echo $1 | cut -f1 -d-)
week=$(echo $1 | cut -f2 -d-)
local dayofweek=1 # 1 for monday
date -d "$year-01-01 +$(( $week * 7 + 1 - $(date -d "$year-01-04" +%w ) - 3 )) days -2 days + $dayofweek days" +"%B %Y"
unset LC_ALL
function didl(){
for file in `ls ${DID_PATH}/*.txt | sort -Vr`; do
filenameRaw="$(basename ${file})"
echo "${filename} ($(week2Month ${filename}))"

Search the weekly logbooks: dids (search)
And here we are at the last feature to implement: search the logs. It's grep
that is involved.
function dids(){
export LC_ALL=C
if [ $1 ]
for file in `ls ${DID_PATH}/*.txt | sort -Vr`; do
NB_OCCURENCE="$(grep -c @${1} ${file})"
if [ ${NB_OCCURENCE} != "0" ]
filenameRaw="$(basename ${file})"
echo -e "\n\e[32m=> ${filename} ($(week2Month ${filename}), ${NB_OCCURENCE} results) \e[0m" && grep -n -B 1 ${1} ${file}
echo "You must add a something to search..."
export LC_ALL=C
To be able to tag notes and limit the search to these tags, I decided to use a tag's prefix @
, allowing to do NB_OCCURENCE="$(grep -c @${1} ${file})"
. The second use of grep
no longer uses this prefix, allowing to display all the lines corresponding to the searched word.

Formatting notes
I was close to the goal! I no longer had one, but 4 commands:
to open the current logbook on the current date; -
to view a logbook including the former ones, -
to list all available logbooks in a readable way, -
to do a search in all the logs.
Only one point was still pending:
The file is in.txt format, which severely limits the possibilities of formatting, such as code extracts.
A markup language is perfectly adapted for that: markdown.
No luck, there's no basic tool in the terminal to process and display a .md
file. However, I had set myself a rule:
"..., and continuing to use only what was already available in the terminal."
It doesn't matter, I'm a punk.
So I found some projects that met the need :
I preferred the vmd
rendering. All that remained was to modify all the .txt
to .md
, add some #
and replace cat
by vmd
in the didv

The final scripts
# What did i do today?
# from
export MDV_THEME=729.8953
export DID_PATH=~/.did
function did(){
export LC_ALL=C
mkdir -p ${DID_PATH}
if [ ! -f ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).md ]; then
echo "# Week $(date +"%V (%B %Y)") \n\n## $(date +"%A %Y-%m-%d")" > ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).md
FILE_EDITION_DATE="$(stat -c "%y" ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).md)"
NOW="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")"
if [ ${FILE_EDITION_DATE:0:10} != ${NOW} ]
echo "\n## $(date +"%A %Y-%m-%d")\n" >> ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).md
unset LC_ALL
vim +'normal Go' ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).md
function didv(){
if [ $1 ]
vmd ${DID_PATH}/${1}.md
mkdir -p ${DID_PATH}
if [ ! -f ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).md ]; then
LC_ALL=C echo "# Week $(date +"%V (%B %Y)") \n\n## $(date +"%A %Y-%m-%d")" > ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).md
vmd ${DID_PATH}/$(date +%Y-%V).md
function week2Month(){
export LC_ALL=C
year=$(echo $1 | cut -f1 -d-)
week=$(echo $1 | cut -f2 -d-)
local dayofweek=1 # 1 for monday
date -d "$year-01-01 +$(( $week * 7 + 1 - $(date -d "$year-01-04" +%w ) - 3 )) days -2 days + $dayofweek days" +"%B %Y"
unset LC_ALL
function didl(){
for file in `ls ${DID_PATH}/*.md | sort -Vr`; do
filenameRaw="$(basename ${file})"
echo "${filename} ($(week2Month ${filename}))"
function dids(){
export LC_ALL=C
if [ $1 ]
for file in `ls ${DID_PATH}/*.md | sort -Vr`; do
NB_OCCURENCE="$(grep -c ${1} ${file})"
if [ ${NB_OCCURENCE} != "0" ]
filenameRaw="$(basename ${file})"
echo -e "\n\e[32m=> ${filename} ($(week2Month ${filename}), ${NB_OCCURENCE} results) \e[0m" && grep -n -B 1 ${1} ${file}
echo "You must add a something to search..."
unset LC_ALL
I don't know if my scripts can be useful to you. If so, I would be happy to. Otherwise, I would also be happy anyway.
Because it's not the script that's important here. What I would like to have shared in this post is the pleasure of building your own little tool from what is available on your system. It's really very fun! During that day spent modifying the original did.txt, I learned a lot, tested a lot and came up with a result that was exactly what I needed. No more, no less.
It was a bit of a low-dev. I'm very sensitive to low-tech these days.
So I hope this reading has given you some ideas. As far as I'm concerned, I think I'm going to quickly add a didp
Did you guess it? p
for publishing! Now that I have log books in markdown, it shouldn't be very complicated to publish them on a server, and then add a search engine like Algolia to index them.
Top comments (4)
Hey, this seems like it could be really useful! I'm going to play with it for a few weeks and I might come back with some feedback or changes I've made! Thanks for sharing:)
So I've edited the script to work on my mac. A neat difference with the
command on macOS seems to be the-j
options. It allowed me to turn your complex statement for getting the month from the week to just doing this:date -j -f "%Y-%W" $1 +"%B %Y"
I also had to specify the
option for echo so that newlines weren't printed as the characters. Finally, I had to use\033
for the colours indids
rather than\e
you build a jrnl in bash haha! you could save time only adding alias did=jrnl
Emacs + orgmode (incl. capture templates) is your friend :-; btw there is vi-like Emacs variant called Spacemacs if you like modal editing
I don't know Emacs very well (I already have a lot of trouble investing the time necessary to be comfortable with vim ), but I'll take a look at
Emacs + orgmode
. Thanks for your feedback.