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The Fine Art of the Webpack 2 Config

Alexander Flenniken on February 09, 2017

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rapasoft profile image
Pavol Rajzak

It's kind of funny, since past few days I have been mostly configuring Webpack 2 builds. The #1 most difficult part for me was to setup loaders to correctly process static assets. E.g. I had problems with style-loader and external fonts (where I've found a very specific race-condition-ish case where it just didn't work). Also, I think the documentation for some (even contrib) loaders should be more verbose, including examples for both inline and external config.

bebraw profile image
Juho Vepsäläinen

Have you seen webpack-merge? I designed it to make it easier to configuration. The basic merge is enough in practice and it allows you to extract commonalities and even compose if you want.

I agree a single file is a great starting point. I prefer to maintain my own "blocks" for the reasons outlined above. In part it's about owning your configuration as you can't wait for third party fixes. That said, if you own your configuration, it can be sensible to package it up so that you can share it across projects (middle ground).

I wrote a little free book that digs deeper into the way I think about webpack. I hope you find something useful there.

rapasoft profile image
Pavol Rajzak

+1 for the webpack-merge, I've been using it ever since I found it. Much more clearer than isProduction inline hacks.

thechrisjasper profile image
Chris Jasper

Nice to see others getting the word out about Webpack 2 lesser known features. I am also looking forward to checking out Au7. I have my own library on top of F7 using ES6. I also have been using Aurelia for web projects for about a year now. I thought about bringing the two together but haven't needed to yet with what I have in my library.

menssen profile image
Dan Menssen


Does it seem strange to anyone else that the function needs to be wrapped in () like (functionGoesHere) for the self-executing to work?

In your example, it doesn't, because the context is already an expression.

This works fine:

const x = { y: function() { return 'z' }() }
console.log(x.y) // z
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

But this doesn't and the parens are required:

function() {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Using them in your example is a convention. See also

jonjump profile image

Alex - you are the only person to have done a good job of explaining the new webpack 2 environment variables. Saved me hours. A model of clarity. Thanks.

alflennik profile image
Alexander Flenniken

I'm touched by your comment! Glad to have helped.

spock123 profile image
Lars Rye Jeppesen

Great article.
My biggest troubles have been the changing api in Webpack2.2

Webpack is great!

vall3y profile image
Guy Zissman

Great article. Webpack presets sounds like a good idea