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Subomi Omotayo
Subomi Omotayo

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Web2? Web3? What's the difference?

What are Web2, Web3, and the difference between the two? I will explain the concept of Web2 and Web3 and also give the major differences between them.
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Web2 refers to the part of the Internet that most of us are familiar with today. It is an internet dominated by companies that provide services in exchange for your data. Some of these companies are known companies like Twitter, Wikipedia, Facebook, e.t.c.

Web3 is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web-based on blockchain technology, incorporating concepts such as decentralization and the token-based economy. The term was coined in 2014 by Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood, and the idea sparked interest in 2021 among cryptocurrency enthusiasts, big tech companies, and venture capitalists.

Web2 vs Web3
So what exactly makes Web3 different from Web2? No, it isn't the number change. The major difference is that Web3 uses a decentralized network while Web2 uses a centralized network. The differences between a decentralized and centralized network are:

1.Anyone can participate in a decentralized network (participation costs are low), while participation in a centralized network is controlled by the central authority.

2.A decentralized network can still function even if a large portion of participants are attacked/taken out, while a centralized network can be taken down by attacking the central authority.

3.In a decentralized network your personal data isn't shared while in a centralized network it is shared.

4.A decentralized network gives equal opportunities to both builders and users while in a centralized network there aren't equal opportunities.

If you would like to learn more about Web3 and blockchain there's an ongoing cohort called Blockgames organised by Nestcoin and Zuri Team.

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