As a developer, you know that taking breaks is crucial to your productivity. But how do you take breaks while still being productive? In this blog, you'll learn why taking breaks is even more important than you think and how to make the most of them.
Taking breaks
You're working on a complex problem at work or a side project, and the deadline is in one week. Will you convince yourself that you do not have the time to take breaks? Probably I would do it. So, can we take breaks and still be productive?
Why Taking Breaks is Important
When I first started learning how to code, I used to work for hours on end without taking any breaks, from 12 PM to 1 AM, only stopping for lunch and dinner. However, I always felt drained and tired, and I wasn't enjoying the journey. At times, my motivation was so low that I started to question if I was cut out to be a developer.
That's when I decided to take a few days off to reassess my goals. During that time, I discovered the importance of taking breaks and researched ways to improve my productivity while learning to code. I found out that I had experienced burnout without even realizing it.
Many of us fall into the trap of not taking breaks while working on a difficult task, feeling that we don't deserve a break until the job is done. However, this mindset is not sustainable in the long run.
The ultradian rhythm
In 2022 when I was discovering a way to overcome my burnout and achieve my goals. So I did a bit of research, and while doing it I found something that I'd never heard about it, the ultradian rhythm.
Simply, your body is built by 4 biological rhythms:
circadian rhythms : a 24-hour cycle that includes physiological and behavioral rhythms like sleeping.
diurnal rhythms: synchronized with the day/night cycle.
infradian rhythms: last more than 24 hours, such as a menstrual cycle.
ultradian rhythms: biological rhythm with a shorter period and higher frequency than circadian rhythms.
The word ultradian means "many times a day". So this rhythm has a short period, less than 24 hours. But occurs many times a day. And this rhythm can have a powerful effect on your body, like boosting your productivity and happiness.
On paper, looks like this
As you can see in the image, the suggested ultradian rhythm is 90 minutes of high productivity followed by 20 minutes of rest. However, the maximum recommended period is 120 minutes of work and 27 minutes of rest. Rest periods can even be as long as 30 minutes 😉.
I've tried many productivity hacks, but none of them worked for me in the long run. However, since I started following my natural ultradian rhythm in November 2022, I've seen significant improvements in my productivity and motivation.
Following your natural ultradian rhythm is a life changer
The first days that I tried this rhythm I can't focus for any more than 30 minutes without any distractions, also I felt like my brain was connecting those neurons, along with a headache. But you know why? I was happy, I felt like a was doing a little bit of work, although it was taking more time than planned.
So I take another step, using productivity apps like google calendar, windows clock, and todoist (not sponsored). Here's how I scheduled myself.
todoist: used to write down my to-do's and reminders also I'm using the integration with google calendar.
windows clock: use the focus sessions.
google calendar: the integration with todoist allowed me to set reminders in the future and set some goals.
This allowed me to manage my time more effectively and achieve my goals, and you know what? At the end of the day, I was studying happier and also with more motivation throughout the same schedule. It's better to work smart than hard, this means, working less but efficiently (with the ultradian rhythm), not the opposite.
How you can also take breaks and be productive?
Yes, you can take breaks and be productive at the same time! However, it takes effort to get into the habit of taking breaks. Here are some tips to help you get started:
do not think always is gonna be easy: I've to admit that sometimes is easier than other days. In the beginning, you've to get used to this new workflow.
don't try to get all 90 minutes in one go : begin with maybe 30 minutes or with a pomodoro session, and then you can go up. Otherwise, you'll feel frustrated.
consistency is the key: try to be consistent every day and in the long term you'll be more productive. Remember one day at a time.
use a productivity app as I did, whatever you like, and write down your goals. When completed strike it out. It will help you to see you're not stuck.
track your activity with a complementary app, if you're a windows user just use the clock app, which is simple to use. Set the desired time and skip the breaks to get into the flow zone 🔥.
What to do in breaks?
Try to change the activity you were doing, eg: if you were sitting, go for a walk, especially if your work includes sitting all day. If you were staring at your computer/phone/tablet keep your eyes out of the screen, they will appreciate it a lot.
But you can also...
Hit the restroom (even if you don't think you've to go)
Take a walk : Fresh air and movement can help clear your mind and recharge your batteries.
Read a book or listen to an audiobook : This can help stimulate your mind and broaden your knowledge.
Eat a healthy snack: Nourish your body with a nutritious snack to help maintain your energy levels throughout the day.
Get a snack or drink water.
Remember, taking breaks is important for your well-being and productivity. You deserve a break, so make sure to take one whenever you need it.
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Further reading...
Some of the images provided by Blue Zones
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