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The Maybe data type in JavaScript

Amin on April 05, 2020

JavaScript is not the only language that can be used to do Web development. Some other languages built upon other programming paradigms like Elm or...
macsikora profile image
Pragmatic Maciej • Edited

Using Maybe like that has no sense. If you will use nullable (value | null) then withDefault is just x ?? 0 what means if x is null then fallback to 0. There is no value in Maybe here, only additional abstraction instead of idiomatic construct.

Maybe starts to have sense when you totally work with it in functional way. When u use maps, binds and ap.

If you write statements (and if is a statement) then I would say you don't need Maybe, Nullable is idiomatic and fully ok. If you use TS then compiler will inform you when you need to check if value is there, so win win. Additionally you don't loose latest added feature of optional chaining which works with null values.

But if you go fully functional then many things become harder with idiomatic JS, and then such constructs has a sense.

Below using Nullable.

function divide(numerator, denominator) {
    if (denominator === 0) {
        return null
    return numerator / denominator;
// using
const x = divide(1,2) ?? 0
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If we would type arguments as numbers then TS would automatically say the function returns number | null and dev would be enforce to or check the value or set the fallback

polemius profile image

Very good point! Could you please describe when using Maybe make sens in JavaScript/TypeScript?
And also do you know some libraries that provides Maybe types?

macsikora profile image
Pragmatic Maciej

Will write the whole article about that. So watch out for it :)

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macsikora profile image
Pragmatic Maciej

And here is the post -

dtipson profile image

If we want to mix Maybe/Either with asynchronous API fetches, there's a functional data type that's perfect for that, Task (also known as Futures). Tasks are the functional version of Promises, and can be used to wrap Promise-based apis in order to make them functional (which for our purposes in Javascript, means: coherently interoperable with other functional data types).

Here's the simplest implementation of a javascript Task:

const Task = fork => ({fork});

Pretty crazy simple (and let's not talk about why we used the word "fork" just yet)! On the surface, we're literally just setting up a way to call a variable, and then get back an object with that variable stored in a key called "fork". But what we're reaaaaaally doing here is setting up a way to delay the execution of some function (while happening to call that operation "fork"). And here's an example operation where we're fetching a resource at the api endpont, ''...

Task( ( left, right ) => { fetch('').then(right).catch(left) });

Now, we could have called "left" and "right"... "error" and "success" but if we wanted to better understand how Tasks are similar to the Either Type, let's go with this naming convention.

What we get back from the above, isn't a Promise of a result, or even itself an actual call to an api, but rather: a stored proceedure that COULD make a call to that api. And, if that's ever done, this particular construct would not return a result or throw an error directly: it'd instead return the results or an errors to two specific functions: left, and right.

What are those functions? Well, most people would think of them as callbacks. In fact, a lot of imperative programming for asynchronous code used to use some version of this idiom:

makeCall( CALL_FUNCTION, ON_SUCCESS, ON_ERROR ); where all the shouty words are functions, and the last two are "callback" functions (that is, the functions that we'd call once a result or error was returned).

In our "Tasks," Left and Right are basically just ON_ERROR and ON_SUCCESS respectively (in functional programming, the error condition, by convention, is usually specified first, in part to remind us all that the error condition is easily forgotten, but needs to be handled).

Why is this Task pattern superior to the imperative version? Well, some would argue that it's not! But if you're dipping your toes into the world of functional programming, and you've been sold on exploring the Maybe or the Either data type, you might already be sold on why, and so let's assume you're sold, and move forwards:

The Task pattern is pure: it causes no side effects UNTIL it's explictly called, if ever. And that means that, despite tackling messy, potentially error-prone asynchronous operations, Tasks can still live and operate and speak the same language as all the other types that live in a synchronous world: Lists (Arrays), Maybes, Eithers... all the rest. You can .map over a Task in exactly the same way you can .map over an List (Array) or a Maybe or an Either.

The Task pattern is also, unlike its more familiar cousin, Promises, LAZY. In practice, that means that you can reason and plan and speak about Tasks without that very act of reasoning then directly causing the potentially dangerous side-effects that a commitment to purity avoids. And this paragraph is in some ways just restating the previous paragraph: Tasks are pure. It just that, because they deal with operations that are not timeless and unary in their effects, that purity must necessarily also imply laziness.

We're leading up to this: remember that fist Task operation we described? Here it was:

const A_TASK = Task( ( left, right ) => { fetch('').then(right).catch(left) });

So, here's how you'd use it:

A_TASK.fork( logError, doSuccess )

Just define whatever logError and doSuccess do to handle api results or errors for yourself: all we care about right now is that they're functions: functions in exactly the same way as are Nothing and Just, Left and Right. They basically only exist in order to continue a functional chain (and indeed, this power of Tasks/Futures is known in computer programming as a "continuation") rolling on along, all potential side-effects carefully bottled and managed. All discrete operations named and broken down in to careful atomic parts that can be then joined up again to build up a complete program that's entirely secured from errors.

But if you feel ridiculous after all of this, all for this seemingly trivial result, don't worry! The proof is in the functional pudding. Here's a glimpse of that pudding:

aminnairi profile image

Thanks Drew for your answer. Indeed your example looks interesting.

Do you happen to have any more resources online on the subject? Like maybe some more open-source code and videos? I'm afraid most of the readers out there won't be able to pay the price necessary to unlock the whole course and grab the sources out of this video.

macarie profile image
Raul • Edited

The course (called Professor Frisby Introduces Composable Functional JavaScript) is actually free, you just need to enter your email address. Yes, you have to pay for the source code, but if you follow the course from the beginning it might not even be necessary, you can code while watching.

I'd recommend watching the whole course, even without coding along, because it's awesome, really.

Brian has also published a book about functional programming in JS, and it is freely available on Gitbook.

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aminnairi profile image

Thanks for your answer. I'll look into that. The book looks great.

dtipson profile image

I wrote a couple of Medium articles way back on this stuff. For instance, here's my piece on Maybe:

And this gist extends some of the Task stuff (using a constructor with a prototype is still the way to go with these, but using just straight functions is often a simpler way to explain the concepts, imo)

rohit_gohri profile image
Rohit Gohri

Isn't Nothing just the concept of undefined? What's stopping me from just comparing to undefined

blnkspace profile image

It's a valid question as this post doesn't put Maybe into context. It's very un-clean to litter your code with null checks etc; moreover, it's not very mathematical to have functions that are that unpredictable. Another reason is inversion of control. The ecosystem around Maybe/Either etc in functional JS is enables the caller of a function to do error management independently, outside of that function, i.e. no more try-catches, no more checking types of returned values, just pattern matching on the returned type if it's an Either.

I've been using Ramda long before I started using Eithers and Maybes and ever since I switched to using ADTs my Ramda composition pipelines have become more succinct, more "clean" and more predictable.

Maybe I don't make any sense, But if you read the replies to Drew's comments and go through Brian Lonsdorf's linked tutorial; it will help you discover a new paradigm of making predictable apps with JS that are easier to reason about.

blnkspace profile image
AVI • Edited

Also, no, nothing is not the concept of undefined.

  1. You might expect output as an undefined and do a check on it, but things change and later you realize you have to check for a null, an empty object, an empty array.........everywhere your function is called in the code base you'll keep having to add type checks. Either and Maybe let you decide what is your idea of Nothing or Left; and the code all over your app is already prepared for either outcome. Predictable, maintainable, clean. Your function can return a Nothing(/Left) when the output of itself is going to be can be "not a number", "not a string", "not an object of required shape", more power to it!
  2. You might expect input to be a certain way. But the API developer makes a mistake and the app gets weird data; and bam; things break. With ADTs you can make your functions "safe" and have them do Nothing if the input is weird. This is powerful because you don't have to hope anymore; you can be confident things will always be as you expect.
rohit_gohri profile image
Rohit Gohri
  1. Yes, I will have to add checks. But I have to add checks for this too, the instance of Nothing will have to be returned too for all the empty array, string cases. I get this is more easier to read and understand. But I could as simply check with isUndefined. And if I'm going to wrap every result in an Nothing/Just I could maintain consistency with returning undefined too.
  2. That doesn't happen automatically, have to validate the input. If there's validation logic already, then undefined can be a safe choice too as long my own code knows to expect it.

I'm not against the idea, I just think this is maybe better as a Type in Typescript then a class. No need to complicate which can be just:
Maybe = T | undefined

Or maybe I haven't understood this completely, will have a look at some more articles.

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blnkspace profile image
AVI • Edited

Yeah I don't think I'm able to explain the idea to you well enough; I hope you find the right resources online! Just to set the right context; no; you will not have to add any checks if you're using ADTs and mapping over them. The reason to use them is to remove all these unnecessary checks.

vonheikemen profile image

I think is more about returning a meaningful "empty" value, one that doesn't stop execution in unexpected ways. That's half the story, like many patterns in functional programming, this one encourages extension through function composition. Maybe a more practical example could help you see it, I wrote this one last year.

wandersonalves profile image

My Either implementation:

type Either<T> = [Left, Right<T>]

Using it:

   * Finds the first Document that matchs the params
   * @param params.filter Object used to filter Documents
   * @param params.fieldsToShow Object containing the fields to return from the Documents
   * @param params.databaseName Set this to query on another database in the current mongo connection
   * @param params.throwErrors Enable classical try/catch way of handling errors
   * @returns A Promise with a single Document
  findOne(params: IFindOneParams<Interface, false>): Promise<Either<Interface>>;
  findOne(params: IFindOneParams<Interface, true>): Promise<Interface>;
  findOne(params: IFindOneParams<Interface, boolean>): Promise<Either<Interface> | Interface> {
    return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      try {
        const _model = this.getModel(params.databaseName);
        const result = (await _model.findOne(params.filter, params.fieldsToShow).lean(true)) as any;
        if (params.throwErrors) {
        resolve([null, result]);
      } catch (e) {
        const exception = new GenericException({ name:, message: e.message });
        if (params.throwErrors) {
        resolve([exception, null]);

In another place using express

/** some code **/
const [insertError, insertSuccess] = await this.promotionService.insert({
      entity: promotion,
      databaseName: validationSuccess._id.toString(),
    res.status(insertError ? insertError.statusCode : CREATED).send(insertError ? insertError.formatError() : insertSuccess);
aminnairi profile image

I didn't know you could overload your function signature like that in TypeScript... Looking dope!

In my opinion, since you need to keep track of your errors as well as your result in an Either type, it would have been like that in my understanding:

type Either <A, B> = Left<A> | Right<B>

What do you think?

sobolevn profile image
Nikita Sobolev

If you ever use Python, we also have Maybe, Either, and other monads (compatible with mypy and type-hints):

GitHub logo dry-python / returns

Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe!

Returns logo

Build Status Coverage Status Documentation Status Python Version wemake-python-styleguide Checked with mypy

Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe!


  • Provides a bunch of primitives to write declarative business logic
  • Enforces better architecture
  • Fully typed with annotations and checked with mypy, PEP561 compatible
  • Has a bunch of helpers for better composition
  • Pythonic and pleasant to write and to read 🐍
  • Support functions and coroutines, framework agnostic
  • Easy to start: has lots of docs, tests, and tutorials


pip install returns

You might also want to configure mypy correctly and install our plugin to fix this existing issue:

# In setup.cfg or mypy.ini:
plugins =

We also recommend to use the same mypy settings we use.

Make sure you know how to get started, check out our docs!


aminnairi profile image
Amin • Edited

Whoa! That's so cool!!!

I'm nowhere near a good Python developer unfortunately, but I'll keep that repo in case I start getting really into Python for my next big project.
