DEV Community

Amy W.
Amy W.

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Top 5 struggles of programmers

A few months ago, I quit my job to do some soul searching. It's been a thrilling ride.

I started a new Youtube channel to support developers (and maybe other technical human beings) as humans -- not just technical support.

I want to shine some light into the darkness.
I want us to be understood by people from other backgrounds.
I want there to be less hate and more love in this world.

Please let me know what you guys think! I'm very curious to hear your thoughts :)

YouTube video: Top 5 struggles of programmers

  1. Self-doubt: A lot of people don't talk about it, but I think even the best coders experience it often. After all, everybody's code has problems, and we are constantly seeking reasons. On one hand, self-doubt keeps us humble and open-minded. On the other hand, it hurts us if we let it run our lives. People deal with it in different ways, by eating chocolate or by getting better at ignoring their thoughts and acknowledging their own abilities.

  2. Perfectionism: In our imagination, things can always be better. I think this ability to envision is the power that makes us humans unique, but we need to learn to use it to our advantage, otherwise we can easily lose track of what's really important. (Down the rabbit holes we go..)

  3. Anxiety: Everytime we code, we have to put our mind into thinking what could go wrong. Like testing a waterproof container, we immerse our new design in water to find faults. But this ability is like a pet dog. It's quick to sniff out problems, but we need to learn to keep it under control, otherwise it'd bite the innocent. We become angry and anxious, because wherever we go, we can only see problems, with ourselves and everything around us. To counteract this ability, we need to work on our ability to have fun and see good things in life.

  4. Health issues: I was 25 years old when I decided I needed to change my sedentary lifestyle. I thought it was normal to sit on the bus, then sit at work, then sit on the bus, then sit here at home. I was suffering from a lot of pain, including constant neck, shoulders and upper back pain. There was pain in my arm and wrist, and dry eyes that made my vision blurry. But the worst of all was a disabling period pain that kept getting worse. I saw a few doctors and specialists but nothing really helped, until I made some lifestyle changes. 3 years later, I'm now a muay thai fighter, feeling younger and stronger than ever. You can do it, too.

  5. Caffeine and sugar abuse: yeah we don't talk about it as a problem. Nowadays it's common for a programming job to come with a fancy coffee machine and free snacks in the office. So whenever we feel tired, stuck, stressed, or need a break, what do we do? We take a walk to the kitchen, make some coffee art, and grab a snack. Then before you know it, you'd get into the habit of seeking a dopamine rush whenever you don't feel amazing.

So here are my top 5 struggles of programmers. If you want to know how I deal with them, stay tuned to hear more on these topics. If you'd like me to address another issue, please leave a comment:)

Best of luck my friends!

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