DEV Community

Andrés Hernández
Andrés Hernández

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1st time completing hacktoberfest as an undergraduate chemist

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Who am I?

Well i'm a chemistry student from Mexico, I love doing science and being in the lab, also love to create things and meet new friends


Even thouhg I love my career, still there was something missing and it was programing, I've never think about programing as something that would interest me but I got interested in Highschool by some guy that was a mathematician and the way he talked about programing really made a change in my way to see things, I'm still new to this but i'm learning and I want to find a way to combine my two passions and that's the only thing that matters.


Last year I had the oportunity to participate, but i was really new to programing so it felt scary for me to participate, but this year I was totally into it, I searched pull request for newbies like me, but i did not get something that made me comfortable, so it was hard for me, but searching viciously a pull request that fit to my knowledge was easier than i've thought, everyone was so nice and ask changes in the most digestable way


1."Queer-of-the-day-bot" My first commit was a research task and i got interested because the bot was somewhat new.

2.Machine-Learning-with-Python This was a education task where I contributed by making an abstract of Machine learning

3.Refranator this was another bot that twets "refranes"

4.FunnyAlgorithms this last one was a program that i made on Matlab that was a way to solve Bolzano's Theorem


I want to be able to make more contributions next year and get out of my comfortable zone and be more adventurous, I learnt a lot and to be able to make a contribution to the open source community it feels great

See you in 2021...

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