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Anita Olsen
Anita Olsen

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What Lies Ahead After #100DaysOfCode?

The #100DaysOfCode is a challenge created by Alex Kallaway ( to encourage people to code for minimum an hour every day for 100 consecutive days.

My #100DaysOfCode went great and I did not miss a single day! Not only did I learn a lot of syntax but I also created a couple of games, won some cool badges and participated in the weekly coding challenge on Sololearn (which I won!).

After I completed the #100DaysOfCode challenge, I decided that I needed a little break from coding as it was real intense to code every single day (and I coded all day long!). Especially intense where the weekly coding challenges on Sololearn! I thought about taking a break for a week or two.

Around 1 week after I had completed the challenge, I got invited by a company to beta test their game and then later, I got to beta test another game with another company!

Nowadays I keep myself busy continuously learning daily from the regular coding sites which I found, since I first started learning online. I learn from sites like Codecademy, CodeCombat and some others. 7 weeks ago, I started playing a programming game called EXAPUNKS where I program something called an EXA (an EXecution Agent) which is basically a program which can travel between computers through networks which I program with pseudocode that most closely resemble Assembly languages. Lack of syntax can be quite refreshing! I also recently got my own domain with web hosting so I do some coding for the web as well. I mostly use Python, HTML, CSS and EXA programming.

How was your time after you completed your #100DaysOfCode? Did you get to collaborate on some cool projects?

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