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Discussion on: Windows or Mac (or Linux😁) for devs?

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Arto20 • Edited

Oh, don't get me wrong - I was using Arch Linux +i3wm exclusively for a few years of university and I still do use Linux at work.
I really like i3, it's a great and efficient working environment.
There are some major problems with it. It really requires a lot of setup in order to make it usable. Also you need to have quite a good knowledge about Linux in order to be able to set it up correctly.
And one thing I really don't like - UI scaling doesn't work as good as on other systems. In my case it's kind of deal breaker - I use 150% scaling on Windows, and on Linux it's always blurry, no matter if I use Wayland or Xorg. I guess there may be some solution, but I was tired of looking for solutions and just wanted a working environment so I can focus on programming instead of tweaking my OS. :P
But Linux is great, I'd never say it's worse than Win or MacOS - it's just different approach, which just doesn't fit (at this moment!) my work needs.