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Discussion on: Using TailwindCss with Ember

asasmith profile image
Asa Smith

running into a build issue with an unexpected token at

borderColor: theme = ({

Anyone else run into this problem? Thanks!

jamesbyrne profile image
James Byrne

Hi Asa πŸ‘‹, off the top of my head I’d guess it’s a node version issue. I know tailwind 1.0.0 requires at least node 8.9.0 so it’s probably worth checking.

You can use node -v to check your node version.

asasmith profile image
Asa Smith

Thanks James! I'm on node v12.13.1. I'm thinking this is an ember version issue. I'm trying to run 3.4 because that's what I'm currently using (and trying to learn) at work. I haven't had the chance to investigate further. I'll update with a solution if I find one.