DEV Community

Atul Sharma
Atul Sharma

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Are you preparing for a JavaScript interview? 🤔🤔

Here are some commonly asked JavaScript questions to help you shine in your frontend interview! 💻

➡️ What are the different data types in JavaScript?
➡️ Explain the concept of hoisting in JavaScript.
➡️ What is the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?
➡️ How does prototypal inheritance work in JavaScript?
➡️ What are closures in JavaScript and how are they used?
➡️ Explain the concept of event delegation in JavaScript.
➡️ How does the "this" keyword work in JavaScript?
➡️ What are higher-order functions in JavaScript?
➡️ Explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming in JavaScript.
➡️ How do you handle errors in JavaScript? What is the purpose of try-catch blocks?
➡️ What are the different ways to create objects in JavaScript?
➡️ Explain the concept of callback functions in JavaScript.
➡️ What is the difference between let, const, and var in JavaScript?
➡️ How does the event loop work in JavaScript?
➡️ What are arrow functions in JavaScript? How do they differ from regular functions?
➡️ Explain the concept of closures and their practical uses.
➡️ What is the purpose of the bind, call, and apply methods in JavaScript?
➡️ How do you handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript? What are Promises and async/await?
➡️ Explain the concept of debouncing and throttling in JavaScript.
➡️ What are the different ways to manipulate the DOM in JavaScript?

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