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Atul Tripathi
Atul Tripathi

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Web Socket Intro

Web sockets are a way of creating a persistent connection between a client and a server, allowing for real-time communication and data exchange. Web sockets are useful for applications that require fast and interactive features, such as chat, gaming, or live updates.

Next.js is a framework for building React applications that supports server-side rendering, static site generation, and incremental static regeneration. Next.js also provides an easy way to integrate web sockets with your application using the built-in API routes feature.

In this blog post, I will show you how to create a simple chat app using Next.js and web sockets. We will use Socket.IO, a popular library for web socket communication, and MongoDB, a document-based database, to store the chat messages.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Create a Next.js project and install the dependencies.
  2. Set up the MongoDB database and the Socket.IO server.
  3. Create the chat UI using React components and Tailwind CSS.
  4. Connect the client to the Socket.IO server and handle the chat events.
  5. Deploy the app to Vercel, a hosting platform for Next.js applications.

Let's get started!

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