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GIFTED LANE® for AWS Community Builders

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A Cloud Whisperer's Guide to AWS: Talking to Lambdas

Ah, the beauty of a clear blue sky, teeming with fluffy white clouds. But let's admit it, we're not here to talk about atmospheric condensation. We're here to whisper to a different kind of cloud: the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. You see, AWS is home to mystical entities called Lambdas. They are quite good listeners, but like any misunderstood creature, you have to know how to talk to them. Today, we're going to learn how to whisper to three specific Lambdas and manage a pesky thing called Redshift costs. OK—let's get into it!

Deciphering the Cloud Slang

Before we head up into the ether, you must familiarize yourself with the lingo of the Cloud:

  1. AWS Lambda: These are the magical spirits of the Cloud, waiting to perform tasks at our command. We're dealing with Lambda0_Redshift_Queue, Lambda1_TurnON_Lambda0, and Lambda2_TurnOFF_Lambda0 today.

  2. EventBridge Scheduler: A fancy Cloud alarm clock that wakes up our Lambdas when we need them.

  3. Concurrency: The magic juice that dictates how many tasks a Lambda can perform simultaneously.

  4. Redshift: A hoarder of data that, despite its cool name, costs money to operate.

  5. SQS Queue: A never-ending buffet line feeding tasks to our Lambda0_Redshift_Queue, which then stuffs them into Redshift.

Calling Upon the Lambdas

Let's summon our Lambda spirits. We'll use the magical artifact known as the AWS Management Console:

  1. Venture into the Lambda section of the console.
  2. Click Create function.
  3. Bestow the names Lambda0_Redshift_Queue, Lambda1_TurnON_Lambda0, and Lambda2_TurnOFF_Lambda0 upon your functions.
  4. Under Runtime, select a spell language like Python.
  5. Click Create function.
  6. Repeat for the other Lambdas.

Our Lambdas are summoned and ready to be imbued with abilities!

Empowering Lambda1_TurnON_Lambda0: The Morning Rooster

Lambda1_TurnON_Lambda0 is our morning rooster. Its crow is a spell that boosts the power of Lambda0_Redshift_Queue to process more tasks from the SQS buffet line. Here's its chant:

import boto3

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    lambda_client = boto3.client('lambda')

    response = lambda_client.put_function_concurrency(
        FunctionName='Lambda1_TurnON_Lambda0',  # replace with your function name
        ReservedConcurrentExecutions=40     # replace with the number of concurrent executions you want to reserve

    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': response

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Now Lambda1_TurnON_Lambda0 is ready to crow Lambda0_Redshift_Queue awake at 40 concurrency!

Empowering Lambda2_TurnOFF_Lambda0: The Night Owl

Lambda2_TurnOFF_Lambda0 is our night owl. It soothes Lambda0_Redshift_Queue to sleep by reducing its power to zero, saving us some magical pennies on Redshift. Lambda2_TurnOFF_Lambda0's lullaby goes like this:

import boto3

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    lambda_client = boto3.client('lambda')

    response = lambda_client.put_function_concurrency(
        FunctionName='Lambda2_TurnOFF_Lambda0',  # replace with your function name
        ReservedConcurrentExecutions=0     # replace with the number of concurrent executions you want to reserve

    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': response
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Lambda2_TurnOFF_Lambda0 is now set to serenade Lambda0_Redshift_Queue to sleep!

The Buffet Line: SQS Queue and Lambda0_Redshift_Queue

Lambda0_Redshift_Queue, our workhorse, processes tasks from the SQS queue and feeds them into Redshift. But remember, there's no such thing as a free lunch in the cloud, and this continuous feeding can rack up hefty Redshift costs. That's why we need our rooster and owl, Lambda1_TurnON_Lambda0 and Lambda2_TurnOFF_Lambda0, to regulate Lambda0_Redshift_Queue's feeding habits.

Setting the Alarm Clock: EventBridge Scheduler

Our rooster and owl need their sleep schedules. Thankfully, we have the EventBridge Scheduler, a rather precise alarm clock.

Setting the Rooster's Alarm:

  1. Drift over to the EventBridge section in the AWS Management Console.
  2. Click Create rule.
  3. Give it a catchy name like InvokeRooster.
  4. In Schedule, select Recurring schedule then select Cron-based schedule and whisper: 0 0 * * ? *. This charm will rouse our rooster, Lambda1_TurnON_Lambda0, daily at midnight!
  5. Under Targets, choose Lambda function and select Lambda1_TurnON_Lambda0.
  6. Click Create.

EventBridge Scheduler Settings

Setting the Owl's Alarm:

Follow the same steps, but slightly differently:

  1. Name it something catchy like InvokeOwl.
  2. Change the Cron expression to 30 1 * * ? * to rouse our owl, Lambda2_TurnOFF_Lambda0, at 1:30 AM.
  3. Under Targets, choose Lambda function and select Lambda2_TurnOFF_Lambda0.

EventBridge Scheduler Settings

Kudos, You're Now a Cloud Whisperer!

Well done, you! With Lambda1_TurnON_Lambda0, our rooster, crowing Lambda0_Redshift_Queue into action at midnight, and Lambda2_TurnOFF_Lambda0, our owl, lulling Lambda0_Redshift_Queue into rest at 1:30 AM, we've mastered the art of cost-efficient cloud whispering.

In this world of Cloud Whisperers, we don't just command our Lambdas. We learn to listen, understand, and then communicate effectively. We've just begun to scratch the surface of this magical world. Don't stop whispering to those clouds!

And remember, even the best whisperers sometimes need to shout for help. If you're lost in the clouds or struggling to understand the whisper of a Lambda, don't hesitate to call out. After all, we're all just trying to make sense of this beautifully complex cloud. Happy whispering, fellow Cloud Whisperer!

Top comments (2)

verlaine_devnet profile image

kudos for the article 😎 it's well explained

giftedlane profile image

thank you!