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Ayush Agrawal
Ayush Agrawal

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Reality of Marketing in Real Life

Hello there, Reader of this article! I have a question for you, be truthful: "Do you really need most the products you own ? Look around yourself and think."

Now, ask from yourself why you bought the most unusable products you have.

Rest your healthy brain and let me answer. The most favourable answer that you may not is "Marketing", either you had watched the product review on social media, youtube, television or your friends and relatives might own that.

Marketers often play some unethical practices to sell their product.

Most of the product you have are useless. Here's a guide how to make right decision before buying a products and how companies try to alter your buying decisions.

Let's talk about what an average consumer expect and really get from companies.

Consumer's Expectation and Reality


  1. Companies will identify what problem customers are facing in their day-to-day life as well as in business tasks.
  2. Finally come up with a product that solves all of them at once.

Most of the companies don't work like that, what they really do is...


  1. Companies create a new problem that never actually existed.
  2. Make that problem really harder to get solved.
  3. Come up with multiple products which adds up and pretend to solve each of your problems and satisfies (fools) the customer.
  4. Now-a-days companies also divide same product into multiple parts so that you can generate more income for them.

Example of evil marketing

The biggest example of this is world largest tech company Apple.
An ideal smartphone consumer buying a phone also need a charger. Now, Apple divided this one product into two parts -

  1. A phone
  2. Charger

They tend to save environment by removing charger from the box but this problem can never be solved in this way. In order to complete a smartphone, customer will buy a charger separately, that means separate packaging and delivery is required making the environmental problems worse.
Today, not only Apple but several other companies too are performing same tactics to fool you.

How to protect ourselves from these tactics ?

In order to cope up with these issue, you have to ask few questions from youself and complete a checklist.

  1. Do I have enough money to buy it or I have to get loan ?
  2. What value will this product add into my life ?
  3. Do I really need it or I am buying it just for flexing ?

When you complete this checklist, you'll get a better decision making for the products. Now, you can differentiate between what you need and what they wanted to sell you forcefully.

Now that said, dear reader, whoever you are. Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

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