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Discussion on: Resume Review

bailytroyer profile image
Baily Troyer

I can't express how amazing of an opportunity this is!

Feel free to tear apart my resume. I value any feedback!

I am a student that is searching for internships, trying to leverage my current experience.

Thank you to anyone that is able to give me advice/feedback :)

vipulrawat profile image

One thing that blew my mind.

How did you give yourself 5 stars (100% knowledge) on Atlassian Suite(Jira/Confluence)?
I am pretty sure even the main contributor/creators don't have the 100% knowledge of the product.

bailytroyer profile image
Baily Troyer

I hadn’t thought about it like that, I agree completely. Thanks!

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michelleepps profile image
Michelle Epps

Hi Bailey,
I would add a few thoughts...

First of all, I come from the school of thought that you highlight your most impactful item based on where you are - your most impactful is eduction at the moment. There are definitely different camps on this one, but I would swap.

I would also put a small (read sentence at most) intent at the beginning to direct the resder you are interested in an internship in x, y or z. I think that could help drive reality.

Love the visual on the left. Hope you have the career you want in tech!

kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 

Hello another iOS Developer :D

I like the beginner to advance ranking. I also like the breakdown all your experience.
Just a reminder that any tech you list is interview-fair game, so make sure you are in fact comfortable with what you list and can answer questions about it. Next, position your skills for the job you want, not the job you have. You have a lot of various experience and I would encourage you to think about where you want to take it. Good luck!!

bailytroyer profile image
Baily Troyer

I couldn’t agree more, thank you so much! I’m in a tough position, because I’m a DevOps intern currently and I love it so much, but I practice iOS development in my free time so I’m trying to find an internship that would see my DevOps experience as valueable, but I agree on what you said because I don’t want to seem wishy washy.

Thank you so much for your advice, it’s always exciting meeting other iOS people!

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kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 

Devops is valuable anywhere you go!! If nothing else than to provide insight into the whole process. It's always tuff getting started, my comment was primarily something to keep in mind as you go further into your career.