DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
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Ben Halpern

This isn't the most important thing, but one thing that comes to mind: Developers bend the truth to win arguments. I've always noticed this. Something they don't want to implement is usually "non-trivial" and something they do want to implement is "super simple". I don't mean devs are lying, they're just not usually coming from a place without bias.

I'm speaking as a dev. We're not trying to be deceiving, I just think this craft is so abstract, that it's really really easy to change an estimation based on mood, etc.

I don't think you need to question what other devs are doing, but if you don't have full context of the problem and somebody else has the greater technical insight, you can still ask questions and probe into why people feel a certain way.

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Ilia Mikhailov

It's usually the other way around. Devs want to build cool stuff and will always try to make a hen out of a feather if they can. Scope creep and premature optimization.