DEV Community

Discussion on: Do you think Python is overrated ?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I think it's silly to be as reductive as just "Python is overrated", but to entertain that idea: Yeah, I think in some ways Python is overrated.

I see Python held up on a pedestal for some of its data/academic use cases, or just as the only language to do certain type of work in — but in my experience I can find a library for most of the cool data stuff in any other popular language and I have never felt the need to get into Python deliberately for this purpose.

Python is a much loved programming language for a lot of reasons, but I have definitely met some people who overrate it for one reason or another.

All that being said, saying "I hate Python, it's overrated" is just a personal stance which is fine to have, but doesn't need to be taken very seriously. A lot of people would say that about JavaScript, and they're not wrong, but they're also only right on their own terms.

leob profile image

Thoughtful comment ...

bekbrace profile image
Bek Brace

Absolutely 100% I agree with those words

etienneburdet profile image
Etienne Burdet

Agreed, I think it's over-rated because it's the default choice for too many things and increasingly so. It's the lazy "no-risk/no-reward", choice for too many things, where , yes things are doable and people know it, from data-science to backend plumbing, but rarely the best choice.