DEV Community

Discussion on: Learn how to build Functional Front-ends with ClojureScript and React.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Who should and should not consider down this road? What were the use cases and interests that lead you here?

jacekschae profile image
Jacek Schæ

Hi Ben,
Thanks for your comment. I looked at Elm, ReasonML and somehow end up at the RealWorld app ( I wrote first, an implementation of RealWorld in ClojureScript and then an article that compares Front-end frameworks ( It turns out that Clojure is the most concise language out there. I see code as a liability - the more I write the more I need to maintain. Therefore the more expressive I can be with my building blocks (language) the happier I am. What I didn't know when I was doing this is that Clojure has amazing amount of very good ideas and learning the language helped me to become better developer. As for the background I'm a web dev with PHP, Ruby, and JS knowledge. Hope that helps!