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Discussion on: Bad Habits We Learn in School

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Ben Halpern

I love your posts that come with book recommendations.

On the topic: The vicious habit I've observed among those who do well in school, which touches on a lot of this post, is an expectation of a success outcome. Like, if we follow steps a-z, things will work out. If we do the things we're supposed to do, the task will go properly. In school, if you pull that all nighter and follow the guideline well, you will get that A. In industry, if you follow all the rules and put in a lot of hard work, things might go as planned. And in reality, they probably won't.

In school, you probably should "succeed" most of the time. In your career, you usually won't succeed, but you need to ride the successes long enough to counteract the many failures.

That's my thought anyway.

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James Hood

Totally agree Ben! I don't think school really involves much resilience training and acceptance of failure as a part of the process. I actually have a blog entry on embracing failure that I have yet to cross-post here: