DEV Community

Discussion on: There's so much great content, but not enough time?

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Ben Halpern • Edited

For a while I felt like I really want to learn Elm but was having the same issue with not being able to really dive in on account of the issues outlined. In addition to the basic framework you outlined, one thing that helped was taking part in a one day workshop on Elm with @rtfeldman where I actually got my hands dirty.

I still haven't found the time or need to really get deep into Elm, but now I really feel comfortable sitting on the sideline knowing that it's a bit more than an abstract concept I find interesting. I actually know the syntax, some of the details, some gotchas, the workflow, the core library bundle size, etc. This removes a lot of FOMO, and I feel like it's there when I need it now in a way I couldn't only get by reading about it and hearing some podcasts, etc.