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[Comment from a deleted post]
bencehornyak profile image
Bence Hornyak

Simpler and lighter. But, to be 100% honest I wanted to practice... :\

Do you have experience with a good open source CMS?

lewismenelaws profile image
Lewis Menelaws

Ghost is not really a CMS but a great content publishing tool.

You can also look up a CMS for whatever framework you are using (Laravel, Django etc).

One of my favourites as well. Despite being an unpopular opinion ;)

dmfay profile image
Dian Fay

I've used Magnolia (which is definitely neither simple nor light) and some Django-based CMS I can't recall the name of, and there are others. Unless there's a need for a robust publishing workflow or application-style interactivity, I'd use a static site generator over any CMS on the market.

Building your own CMS could be a fun exercise but I wouldn't be shooting any higher than that. The niche is fairly saturated.