DEV Community

Ben Greenberg
Ben Greenberg

Posted on

If I could go back in time and speak to myself 5 years ago, I would say...

If you could go back in time and approach the 5-year younger version of yourself, what would you tell yourself? Any words of advice? Some wise nuggets learned during the past five years? Something to definitely do? Something to definitely not do?

Latest comments (30)

zkriszti profile image
Krisztina Závecz

Not to the 5 year younger myself, but like 1-2 years ago: "yes, you CAN solve that" [bug, problem, whatever...]

piavgh profile image
Hoang Trinh

I'll tell myself: "You did a great job, don't regret anything. But it's better to buy some Bitcoin NOW"

kiranjd profile image

Nothing. I'm well placed professionally and personally because of the mistakes I did. Proud of them.

eliasmqz profile image
Anthony Marquez • Edited

I recently was diagnosed with some attention issues, which I finally took the step to figure out what was the cause at the behest of a loved one. I went to get that checked out and have been prescribed some medication for it. My I/O has completely changed like night and day, I am able to do things I thought weren’t possible for me.

Before the diagnosis I had a lot of trouble keeping attention at the things I loved to do like coding. I used to think that I wasn’t good, smart or dedicated enough to do this at my job. Imposter syndrome 101 was in full effect for me. I had even gotten into depression over the feeling of jot advancing or getting any better at simple topics. I had gotten pretty so far in my career on the basis of many red bulls and all nighters just to grasp required subjects.

After recognizing the issue and getting help I told my wife that “I now know what it’s like to feel normal”. If I could go back five years from now into the past, I would definitely open up and talk to someone about my struggles. This could’ve been prevented or at least mitigated a lot earlier in my life if I hadn’t been so stubborn, ignorant or more of my situation. While this may not apply for many, it did for me, and if it rings a bell for you either directly or indirectly with something else no shame in discussing this with a trusted loved on or a counselor.

p.s. excuse the formatting I’m writing from a phone in a shuttle back to the house.

ivanjanko profile image
Ivan Jankovic

I think I might have a similar challenge.

seebar profile image
Christopher Barlow

Conventional education ie college, isn't required, there are other avenues you can take towards a successful career.

keptoman profile image

Go for web development, forget the video games industry, it's not for you anyway.

Failing is an important part of learning.

neverendingqs profile image
Mark Tse

Your managers can only do so much if you don't take the lead on your career.

haidv profile image

Hey man, don't learn any framework if you don't have any base knowledge. It will take time to be back. Do build everything from base, learn more networking, ethical hacking, cyber security, data structure, and algorithm and you 'll be good.

sushantrahate profile image
Sushant Rahate

Just two things..
Don't dream big just keep doing what you love.
Be Sincere than Serious.

bbbbruni profile image
Bruno Almeida

Everyone has your time, take yours and do not try to pressure yourself if something is going wrong, in the end if you keep trying whatever you’re doing will happen for you!

andrzejchmura profile image
Andrzej Chmura

Exercise more, it makes you happier than money. Also, it only gets harder as you get older, so start now.

jjfattz profile image

Go broke buying bitcoin, of course.

thomasredstone profile image
Thomas Redstone

You'll want better than that! Buy when it hits £140, top up as much as possible under £400, sell at £13,000. Buy back at £5,000, sell at £8,000, buy again at £5,000, sell again at £6,500, buy again at £2,600, and sell at £10,000, that should make you very rich, just "buy bitcoin" is very likely to see you buy it at £200, and sell it at £400, thinking you've done great!

briwa profile image
briwa • Edited
  • Sit properly and maintain a good posture, you have only one vertebrae in your life and please take a good care of it. And also, your eyes. Get some sleep or see some greens to give them some rest.
  • Share more! Writing, public speaking, contributing to open sources. It's a whole lot better way to learn and improve than simply learn from your senior devs in your company (most of the time...), and also, you help the community to improve by sharing/contributing what you know.
  • Breathe. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the moment and spiraled down to depression, but it's mostly because you forgot to allow yourself to take a moment and breathe.

Shameless plug 😅: I've written something similar to this topic before:

...if you'd like to get into details on the advices, check out the article!

devkevyn profile image

Burnout is real! Dont overwork!

iam_timsmith profile image
Tim Smith

Don’t be an idiot. It changed my life. Whenever I’m about to do something, I think “would an idiot do this” and if they would, I don’t do that thing.