Component-based UI is all the rage these days. Did you know that the web has its own native component module that doesn't require the use of any libraries? True story! You can write, publish, and reuse single-file components that will work in any* good browser and in any framework (if that's your bag).
In our last post, we learned how to write single-file components with nothing other than JavaScript and the DOM API.

Lets Build Web Components! Part 3: Vanilla Components
Benny Powers 🇮🇱🇨🇦 ・ Oct 5 '18
Today we'll be diving in to the original web components library: Polymer. We'll refactor the <lazy-image>
component we built last time to take advantage of Polymer's helpful features. We'll also learn how to compose entire apps from Polymer-based components using their expressive templating system and two way binding. We'll take a look at some of the fantastic ready-made paper elements published by the Polymer team. And last, we'll survey some of the Polymer project's helpful tools and learn how they are useful for any web-component project, not just Polymer apps.
- The Polymer Project
- More Polymer Features
- Composing Polymer Apps
- Paper Elements
- Polymer Tools
The Polymer Project
The Polymer Project started way back in 2012/2013 with the goal of advancing the capabilities of the web platform. Legend has it that deep in the bowels of the Googleplex, a group of Chrome browser engineers convened a secret seance with a group of web developers to map out the future course of the web at large.
The browser engineers asked the web developers to tell them what they wanted web dev to look like in five years' time, then they set about building it. The result was the first release of the Polymer library and the beginning of the modern web components story.
Since then, the Polymer Project has come full circle, such that it's now possible to write web components without using Polymer Library at all. But the Polymer Project is still alive and kicking. They maintain a variety of web platform proposals and advocate for a more standards-based type of web development than is currently popular.
The Polymer library on the other hand has since become only one of a number of alternatives for factoring web components and component-based apps.
So don't confuse the two things. The Project is about the platform at large, the Library is about helping you build components.
Refactoring <lazy-image>
So let's dive in! And since we've already developed our <lazy-image>
vanilla component, let's use it as basis to explore Polymer as well.
Our first step in refactoring <lazy-image>
will be to install and import the Polymer library.
npm i -S @polymer/polymer
We'll also rename our component a little to help us keep our heads on straight:
import { PolymerElement, html } from '@polymer/polymer'
const tagName = 'polymer-lazy-image';
class PolymerLazyImage extends PolymerElement {
/* ... */
customElements.define(tagName, PolymerLazyImage)
Polymer 3.0 and the paper-elements require us to apply a transformation to all module specifiers, either in a build step, or as a server run-time thing. We'll use polymer serve
, which transforms bare specifiers on the fly for us.
npm i -D polymer-cli
npx polymer serve
Another important step we should take now before we do any more mucking around is to call the super
versions of all of our lifecycle callbacks.
connectedCallback() {
// ...
disconnectedCallback() {
// ...
Not doing so will cause problems, since The PolymerElement
base class needs to do work when lifecycle things happen. Work like handling the polyfills, which we don't need to do manually anymore...
connectedCallback() {
this.setAttribute('role', 'presentation');
if ('IntersectionObserver' in window) this.initIntersectionObserver();
else this.intersecting = true;
We can lose all of the shadowRoot
- and ShadyCSS
-related code now, including updateShadyStyles
, because Polymer will handle that for us. Nice! Working with libraries has taken one stress - supporting the polyfills - off our minds.
Polymer lets you declare your element's properties statically, and I mean 'statically' in the sense of both static get
and 'at writing time'. When you declare a property in that block, Polymer handles synchronizing attributes and properties for you. That means that when the src
attribute on our element is set, Polymer will automatically update the src
property on the element instance.
So now we can delete our attributeChangedCallback
, safeSetAttribute
, and all our getters and setters, and replace them with a static property map with some special Polymer-specific descriptors.
static get properties() {
return {
/** Image alt-text. */
alt: String,
* Whether the element is on screen.
* @type {Boolean}
intersecting: {
type: Boolean,
reflectToAttribute: true,
notify: true,
/** Image URI. */
src: String,
Polymer binds to properties, not attributes by default. This means that if you bind to one of your element's properties in a host element's polymer template, it won't necessarily show up as an attribute on the element. Setting the reflectToAttribute
boolean on a property descriptor ensures that whenever the property changes, Polymer will also set the appropriate attribute on the element. Don't worry, though, even if you declare a property with a constructor like propName: String
, attribute changes will always update the associated property, whether or not you set reflectToAttribute
Note: Polymer will transform camelCase property names to dash-case attribute names, and vice versa. This, by the way, is the reason why the Polymer library actually fails some of the 'Custom Elements Everywhere' tests.
The notify
boolean will make your element dispatch a custom event every time your property changes. The event will be called property-name-changed
e.g. intersecting-changed
for the intersecting
property, and will have as it's detail
property an object containing the key value
that points to the new value of your property.
lazyImage.addEventListener('intersecting-changed', event => {
console.log(event.detail.value) // value of 'intersecting';
This is the basis of Polymer's two-way binding system. It's not strictly necessary here, but we might as well expose those events, in case a user wants to bind an image's intersecting
status up into an enclosing component.
So now we can also delete the setIntersecting
method, since with the help of our property map and Polymer's templating system, we won't need it.
We'll have more on Polymer's property descriptors later on.
Data Binding Templates
We define a Polymer 3 element's templates with a static template
getter which returns a tagged template literal.
static get template() {
return html`
I'm the Template!
Polymer templates feature a special syntax reminiscent of handlebars or mustache. One way (data-down) bindings are made with double-[[square brackets]], and two-way (data-up) bindings are done with double-{{
curly braces}}
<some-input input="{{myInput}}"></some-input>
In this example, whenever <some-input>
fires a input-changed
event, the host element updates the someProperty
property on <some-element>
. In JS terms, it's a simple assignment: someElementInstance.someProperty = this.myInput
If you want to bind to an attribute, instead of a property, append the $
character to the binding: whenever myOtherProp
changes, the some-attribute
on <some-element>
will update: someElementInstance.setAttribute('some-attribute', this.myOtherProp)
Similarly, whenever the input-changed
custom event fires on <some-input>
, the myInput
property on the host component will be set to to event's detail.value
In our <polymer-lazy-image>
template, we're not using any two-way binding, so we'll stick with square brackets.
The aria-hidden
attribute presents a small challenge. Polymer binds Boolean values to attribute with setAttribute(name, '')
and removeAttribute(name)
. But since aria-hidden
must take the string literals "true"
or "false"
, we can't just bind it to the Boolean value of intersecting
. The <img/>
is similarly interesting. Really, we want to set it only after the element has intersected. For that, we'll need to compute the src property on the image based on the state of the intersecting
Polymer templates can include computed bindings. These are bound to the return value of the chosen method.
<img id="image"
src="[[computeSrc(intersecting, src)]]"
What's with this function-like syntax inside our binding expressions? That tells Polymer which element method to run and when. It will fire every time it's dependencies (i.e. the 'arguments passed' in the binding expression) are observed to change, updating the binding with the return value.
Note also that we're binding to the src
property on the image, not it's attribute. That's to avoid trying to load an image at URL "undefined"
computeSrc(intersecting, src) {
// when `intersecting` or `src` change,
return intersecting ? src : undefined;
computeImageAriaHidden(intersecting) {
// when `intersecting` changes,
return String(!intersecting);
Don't be misled, though, these aren't JavaScript expressions, so you can't pass in any value you want: [[computeImageAriaHidden(!intersecting)]]
doesn't work, neither does [[computeImageAriaHidden(this.getAttribute('aria-hidden'))]]
Now we'll just adjust our property map and styles slightly to account for the changes in our element's API:
static get properties() {
return {
// ...
/** Whether the element is intersecting. */
intersecting: Boolean,
* Whether the image has loaded.
* @type {Boolean}
loaded: {
type: Boolean,
reflectToAttribute: true,
value: false,
/* ... */
#placeholder ::slotted(*),
:host([loaded]) #image {
opacity: 1;
:host([loaded]) #placeholder ::slotted(*) {
opacity: 0;
<div id="placeholder" aria-hidden$="[[computePlaceholderAriaHidden(intersecting)]]">
<slot name="placeholder"></slot>
<img id="image"
src="[[computeSrc(intersecting, src)]]"
So, we were able to substantially reduce boilerplate in our component, and trim down some of the excess logic by including it in our template, albeit with a few somewhat tiresome computed binding helpers.
Here's our completed <polymer-lazy-image>
import { PolymerElement, html } from '@polymer/polymer';
const isIntersecting = ({isIntersecting}) => isIntersecting;
const tagName = 'polymer-lazy-image';
class PolymerLazyImage extends PolymerElement {
static get template() {
return html`
:host {
position: relative;
#placeholder ::slotted(*) {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
var(--lazy-image-fade-duration, 0.3s)
var(--lazy-image-fade-easing, ease);
object-fit: var(--lazy-image-fit, contain);
width: var(--lazy-image-width, 100%);
height: var(--lazy-image-height, 100%);
#placeholder ::slotted(*),
:host([loaded]) #image {
opacity: 1;
:host([loaded]) #placeholder ::slotted(*) {
opacity: 0;
<div id="placeholder" aria-hidden$="[[computePlaceholderAriaHidden(intersecting)]]">
<slot name="placeholder"></slot>
<img id="image"
src="[[computeSrc(intersecting, src)]]"
static get properties() {
return {
/** Image alt-text. */
alt: String,
/** Whether the element is on screen. */
intersecting: Boolean,
/** Image URI. */
src: String,
* Whether the image has loaded.
* @type {Boolean}
loaded: {
type: Boolean,
reflectToAttribute: true,
value: false,
constructor() {
this.observerCallback = this.observerCallback.bind(this);
connectedCallback() {
// Remove the wrapping `<lazy-image>` element from the a11y tree.
this.setAttribute('role', 'presentation');
// if IntersectionObserver is available, initialize it.
if ('IntersectionObserver' in window) this.initIntersectionObserver();
// if IntersectionObserver is unavailable, simply load the image.
else this.intersecting = true;
disconnectedCallback() {
* Loads the img when IntersectionObserver fires.
* @param {Boolean} intersecting
* @param {String} src
* @return {String}
computeSrc(intersecting, src) {
return intersecting ? src : undefined;
* "true" when intersecting, "false" otherwise.
* @protected
computePlaceholderAriaHidden(intersecting) {
return String(intersecting);
* "false" when intersecting, "true" otherwise.
* @protected
computeImageAriaHidden(intersecting) {
return String(!intersecting);
/** @protected */
onLoad() {
this.loaded = true;
* Sets the `intersecting` property when the element is on screen.
* @param {[IntersectionObserverEntry]} entries
* @protected
observerCallback(entries) {
if (entries.some(isIntersecting)) this.intersecting = true;
* Initializes the IntersectionObserver when the element instantiates.
* @protected
initIntersectionObserver() {
if ( return;
// Start loading the image 10px before it appears on screen
const rootMargin = '10px'; = new IntersectionObserver(this.observerCallback, { rootMargin });;
* Disconnects and unloads the IntersectionObserver.
* @protected
disconnectObserver() {; = null;
customElements.define(tagName, PolymerLazyImage);
Check out the diff between the vanilla and Polymer versions, and see the component at work:
More Polymer Features
Polymer has more to offer than our simple example element can easily demonstrate. A small example is the way Polymer maps all the id
'd elements in your template to an object called $
<paper-button id="button">Button!</paper-button>
<paper-input id="input" label="Input!"></paper-input>
connectedCallback() {
console.log(this.$.button.textContent) // "Button!"
this.$.input.addEventListener('value-changed', breakTheInternet);
Advanced Data Binding
Polymer can also bind to host properties from non-polymer elements' events with a special syntax:
<video current-time="{{videoTime::timeupdate}}"/>
This means "when the timeupdate
event fires, assign the local videoTime
property to the video element's currentTime
In a later iteration of <polymer-lazy-image>
, we might use these kinds of bindings to synchronize internal <img>
properties with our own.
For the low-down on Polymer's data-binding system, give the docs a read.
Observers and Computed Properties
Computed properties and bindings are specialized cases of Polymer observers. A simple observer looks like this:
static get properties() {
return {
observed: {
type: String,
observer: 'observedChanged',
observedChanged(observed, oldVal) {
console.log(`${ observed } was ${ oldVal }`);
You can also define complex observers that take multiple dependencies or deeply observe objects or arrays.
static get properties() {
return {
observed: Object,
message: {
type: String,
value: 'A property of observed has changed',
static get observers() {
return [
// careful: deep observers are performance intensive!
'observedChanged(message, observed.*)'
observedChanged(message, { path, value, base }) {
// path: the path through the object where the change occurred
// value: the new value at that path
// base: the root object e.g. `observed`
console.log(message, path + ': ' + value);
You can also set up computed properties, similar to computed bindings:
static get properties() {
return {
theString: String,
theLength: {
type: Number,
computed: 'computeTheLength(theString)',
computeTheLength(theString) {
return theString.length;
In which case, theLength
will update according to computeTheLength
whenever theString
These computed properties can then be bound to your template like any normal property.
<span>[[theString]] has [[theLength]] characters</span>
Read all about Polymer observers at the docs.
Property Descriptors
We've already seen how we can set reflectToAttribute
and notify
to affect the outside world when our values update, and how to set up simple observers with the observer
You can also set a default value with value
, which takes either a literal value or a function.
static get properties() {
return {
prop: {
type: String,
value: '🚣♂️'
things: {
type: Array,
value: () => [],
Be careful! When you want to set a default value with a reference type like Array
or Object
, be sure to pass a function, or else every instance of your element will share the same reference.
assignments are set once when the component initializes, then not updated again. If you need to dynamically set properties after connecting, use computed properties or observers.
Helper Elements
Polymer comes with a few helper elements that you can use in your templates to reduce the amount of imperative JavaScript you need to write. The two most commonly used are <dom-repeat>
for iterating through lists and outputting DOM, and <dom-if>
for conditional rendering:
<!-- Will output a new article with h2 and img for each post -->
<dom-repeat items="[[posts]]" as="post">
<img src$="[[post.picture]]">
<!-- Will only render it's template if conditionDepending(someProp, another) is truthy -->
<dom-if if="[[conditionDepending(someProp, another)]]">
I'm a very lucky textNode to have [[someProp]] and [[another]] on my side.
To use these helpers, make sure to import them
import '@polymer/polymer/lib/elements/dom-repeat.js';
import '@polymer/polymer/lib/elements/dom-if.js';
For more on the helper elements, see the Polymer docs.
Composing Polymer Apps
Polymer really shines when it comes to factoring whole apps. The Polymer Project pioneered a pretty progressive and patently special (sorry) kind of declarative app structure built largely on HTML elements. The Polymer approach makes "everything an element", leveraging HTML's built-in composability. So for example, there's the <iron-ajax>
element, which can fetch resources and expose them to Polymer's data binding.
<iron-ajax auto
<dom-repeat items="[[posts]]" as="post">
<img hidden$="[[!post.cover]]" src$="[[post.cover]]">
But in my humble opinion, the best example of this approach comes with the <app-route>
element and the idea of encapsulated routing:
<!-- <app-shell> template -->
<!-- Capture and expose address-bar changes -->
<app-location route="{{route}}"></app-location>
<app-route route="[[route]]"
<!-- Composed routing! -->
<app-route route="[[tail]]"
<iron-pages selected="{{}}" attr-for-selected="name">
<app-master name="master"></app-master>
<app-detail name="detail"
Using app-route and iron-pages elements we have a complete routing solution that will hide and show content based on the URL, and even pass route-related data to those view components.
And since <app-route>
takes it's route
property as data, not directly tied to window.location
, you can pass portions of the route down to child views, and let them manage their own internal state with their own <app-route>
children. Neat!
<!-- <app-detail> template -->
<app-route route="[[route]]"
<item-detail hidden$="[[routeData.editing]]"></item-detail>
<item-editor hidden$="[[!routeData.editing]]"></item-editor>
<paper-checkbox checked="{{routeData.editing}}">Editing</paper-checkbox>
What a cool concept!
**Note** that for the sake of brevity, we're binding directly to subproperties of `routeData` in this example, but in a real project we'd add some helper methods to compute an intermediate `page` property from `routeData`.For a fully-realised example of this type of app architecture, see the venerable Polymer Starter Kit on GitHub.
A starting point for Polymer apps
Polymer App Toolbox - Starter Kit
This template is a starting point for building apps using a drawer-based
layout. The layout is provided by app-layout
This template, along with the polymer-cli
toolchain, also demonstrates use
of the "PRPL pattern" This pattern allows fast first delivery and interaction with
the content at the initial route requested by the user, along with fast subsequent
navigation by pre-caching the remaining components required by the app and
progressively loading them on-demand as the user navigates through the app.
The PRPL pattern, in a nutshell:
- Push components required for the initial route
- Render initial route ASAP
- Pre-cache components for remaining routes
- Lazy-load and progressively upgrade next routes on-demand
Install Polymer CLI using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g polymer-cli
Initialize project from template
mkdir my-app
cd my-app
polymer init polymer-3-starter-kit
Start the development server
This command serves…
Paper Elements
It wouldn't be a blog post on Polymer if we didn't mention the Paper Elements, the set of material-design UI components published by the Polymer Project. But we'd also be making a huge mistake if we didn't get one thing super-clear:
PaperElements != Polymer;
You can use the polymer library just fine without using the paper-elements, and you can use the paper-elements just fine without using the polymer library!
<script type="module" src=""></script>
<script type="module" src=""></script>
<script type="module" src=""></script>
<paper-card heading="Am I Checked?">
<div class="card-content">
Output: <span id="output">Not Checked</span>
<div class="card-actions">
<paper-checkbox id="input">Check me!</paper-checkbox>
<paper-button raised disabled id="button">Reset</paper-button>
const onClick = () => input.checked = false;
const onInput = ({detail: { value }}) => {
output.textContent = value ? 'Checked' : 'Not Checked';
button.disabled = !value;
input.addEventListener('checked-changed', onInput);
button.addEventListener('click', onClick);
All we're losing here is the ability to use Polymer's data binding system. But - you guessed it - there's an element for that, called <dom-bind>
If you're looking to factor a material-design based UI with no fuss - give the paper-elements a try.
Polymer Tools
The Polymer Project - in addition to their advocacy work, JS and component libraries, and standards proposals - also publish a variety of tools that help you get your apps and components built, published, and served.
The Chrome team developed the PRPL pattern as a best-practice for writing and delivering performant web apps. prpl-server
makes it easy to serve the smallest effective bundle to capable browsers while still supporting older browsers with larger bundles. There's a ready made binary as well as an express middleware library. Give it a try.
Polymer CLI
The Vue CLI helps you develop Vue apps. The Angular CLI helps you develop Angular apps. create-react-app
helps you develop React apps.
The Polymer CLI helps you develop web apps.
True, it offers templates for Polymer 3 elements and apps, but that's not all. The polymer build
and polymer serve
commands will build and serve any web-component apps. Transpilation is optional. In fact, pretty much the only thing the CLI will do to your code is replace bare module specifiers like import { PolymerElement } from '@polymer/polymer';
to relative URLs that the browser can load directly.
What!? You mean no Webpack? No Babel? No hours wrestling with config files and APIs that have nothing to do with my app code?
Yeah. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Next time you have an app project, consider factoring it with web components and the Polymer CLI.
But if you want to transpile for older browsers (see prpl-server
above), you can define a builds
section of polymer.json
"root": "~/projects/my-project",
"entrypoint": "index.html",
"shell": "src/my-project.js",
"sources": [
"builds": [{
"name": "es5prod",
"preset": "es5-bundled",
"addServiceWorker": true
}, {
"name": "es6prod",
"preset": "es6-unbundled",
"addServiceWorker": true
}, {
"name": "dev",
"addServiceWorker": false,
"js": {"minify": false, "compile": false},
"css": {"minify": false},
"html": {"minify": false},
"bundle": false,
"addPushManifest": false
Then you just configure prpl-server
to serve es6prod
to modern browsers and es5prod
to IE and pals, and you're off to the races.
Before you go running off to implement that <super-button>
you've got in mind, why not give a search over at, the largest directory of web components.
Each element is shown with its documentation, public API, and installation method. You'll also find links to npm and github.
If you're a component author, don't hesitate! Publish your components for others to benefit from.
The Polymer library was undeniably ahead of its time. It took the approach of demanding better of the web platform and then making that a reality, instead of just working around the platform's limitations.
Now that web components are broadly supported, does the Polymer library still have a place in our web-dev toolbox? Sure does! Some projects will naturally lend themselves to Polymer's declarative style. Some teams will discover how designers and document authors can do the work of developers with Polymer's expressive binding system.
It's not all ☀️ and 🌹🌹 though. As the platform and the wider web community has developed, so have the priorities of the Polymer project. Polymer 3 will probably be the last major release of the library, and likewise the 3.0 series will be the last release of the paper-elements.
So let's review some of the pros and cons of the Polymer library:
Pros | Cons |
Expressive templating system | Can't pass JS directly to templates |
Observers and computed properties, declarative event-listeners | Large dependency chain incentivizes larger Polymer-only apps |
Super cool and unique approach to declarative app structure | For better or for worse, this unique declarative style is not as popular as other architectures |
A mature library and component set. Tried, tested, and true | Polymer.js is all-but-deprecated, and won't receive new features unless forked |
So does that mean the end for Web Components? Heck no! Polymer is far from the only game in town. A lightweight, declarative JS templating library called lit-html
and a custom-element base class that leverages it called LitElement
are the new hotness. God-willing, we'll cover them in our next installment.
See you then 😊
Would you like a one-on-one mentoring session on any of the topics covered here?
Thanks in no particular order to Pascal Schilp, and @ruphin for their suggestions and corrections.
Check out the next article in the series
Top comments (5)
Again, very well written article :) Can't wait for the next one.
Thanks, it's going to be lit hyuk hyuk hyuk
Yes, I know :) The best for the finale :D
oh, there's no finale here. We've got a lot more in store, God-willing ;)
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Stick around for next week's post on LitElement.