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Prasandika Balage
Prasandika Balage

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Usability testing

Usability testing is a testing technique for evaluating how simple and user-friendly a software program is. The basic goals of usability testing are to determine how user-friendly a program is, how flexible it is with controls, and how well it can accomplish its goals. It is often conducted continually, from the early development stage until a product’s release.


1) Check whether testers can fulfill tasks successfully.

2) Monitor their performance, mental state, and to see how successfully software design works.

3) Monitor how much users love using it.

4) Identify any existing problems.

5) Discover solutions.

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Although usability testing can aid in the creation of the best products, it shouldn't be the only resource for User Experience research. Having a plan, setting user tasks, recruiting testers, and Moderate testing make usability testing more effective.

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