DEV Community

Chaitanya Asati
Chaitanya Asati

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Github commands

To list all remote repositories as shortnames connected to your local repository

git remote
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To list all remote repositories with their url's connected to your local repository

git remote -v
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To connect to a new remote repository

git remote add testtech

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To disconnect remote repository from your local repository

git remote remove testech
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To rename remote repository in your local repository

git rename testtech prodtech
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To fetch all changes from a remote repository without changing any code in any of branches in your local repository

git fetch testtech
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To list all local branches in your local repository

git branch
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To list all remote branches in your local repository

git branch -r
git branch -r -v
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To see all local branches and remote branches in your local repository

git branch -a
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To create a copy of remote branch in your local repository

git fetch testtech
git fetch testtech unit_testing
git checkout testtech/unit_testing
git checkout -b unit_testing_local

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To update your local branch with latest changes in remote repository

git fetch testtech <remote_branch_name>
git checkout <local_branch_name>
git merge testtech/<remote_branch_name>
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To see latest commit ids, commit messages and tracking remote branch of all local branches

git branch -vv
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To publish a local branch to remote branch

git push -u origin dev
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To create a copy of remote branch in your local repository and also set tracking branch at same time

git checkout --track testtech/functional_testing
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To set tracking branch of your local repository to a branch in remote repository

git branch -u testtech/unit_testing
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To delete local branches

git branch -d <branch_name>
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To delete remote branches

git push origin --delete <branch_name>
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To undo the commits and delete also those commits

git reset --hard HEAD~1
git reset --hard 0ad5a7a6
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To undo the commits and don't delete the file changes

git reset --soft HEAD~1
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To create a new branch and with state of a particular commit

git checkout -b old-project-state 0ad5a7a6
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To create a new branch with history of a particular branch irrespective what is your current branch

git checkout -b <new_branch_name> <branch_from_which_to_copy_history>
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To remove files from staging area

git restore --staged <file> 
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To undo the changes in a file

git restore <file_name>
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To see all commit history of current branch

git log
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To merge all changes in a feature branch to current branch

git checkout <branch_name_to_which_we_want_changes>
git merge <feature_branch>
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To remove the remote tracking branch info

git branch --unset-upstream
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To set the remote tracking branch info

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/new-branch
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