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Sharon Chang'ach
Sharon Chang'ach

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Python for everyone: Mastering Python The Right Way

According to Malcolm Gladwell in his blockbuster book “Outliers”, it takes 10,000 hours of intensive practice to achieve mastery of complex skills and materials. We do have to ask ourselves though what exactly is mastering, and does it mean you have gotten everything?

We could use this 10,000 hours rule but how exactly do we use it well. First of all, we have to cultivate passion. Learning any language can be hard and without passion, you could easily give up and stop learning.
Doing thorough learning starting from the basics all the way through to the hard stuff. The job is to learn what python exactly is then pushing yourself to learn how to use it.

Just as the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Consistent practice helps you keep your skills sharp and lets you learn new things every time.

Learning through use of projects is also a great way to learn python. Projects push you to learn more things, some that you wouldn't even know if you were not applying them. It helps sharpen your skills and prepare you for the real world. It also improves critical and creative thinking. It would also help you in identifying what field you are more interested in among the many applications of python.

Reading books and articles also helps in sharpening your mind. It helps keep you informed on emerging trends and furthermore helps open up your mind.

There is no shame in getting stuck. You have to normalize not knowing everything. You can source answers from peers or from googling the problems.

Learning python can be very exciting. Its many applications give a wider range for applications and very diverse projects. Therefore learning it can be quite fun, but challenging as well. This is why one needs to know how to learn it the right way.

I hope this article helps you get the right way to learn. Happy learning.

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