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Let's know about Mongoose

MongoDB is a nosql, document oriented database program. It stores JSON-like documents with optional schema. But, Mongoose is an Object Data Modelling (ODM) for mongodb and nodejs. It manages relationships between data. It defines a schema for collections.

MongoDB VS Mongoose:

  1. DBMS VS Object Document Mapper
  2. Stores data VS Manages relationship between data
  3. Supports multiple languages VS Only mondoDB
  4. Aim - Storing collection in DB VS Defining schema for collections.

Mongoose defines schema and also validates it. It helps to structure the document for better presentation. It enables users to add/ edit properties easily.

To use this, at first we have to install mongoose, like,

npm install mongoose --save
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Once we define a schema, we can create a Model based on a specific schema in Mongoose. After creation of the model, a Mongoose Model is then mapped to a MongoDB Document and it is done via the Model's schema definition.

The permitted schema types are:

  1. Array
  2. Boolean
  3. Buffer
  4. Date
  5. Mixed (A generic / flexible data type)
  6. Number
  7. ObjectId
  8. String

We can create a mongoose model by following 3 steps as:

1. Referencing mongoose:

let mongoose = require('mongoose')
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2. Defining the schema

let newSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  variable_name: variable_type
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3. Exporting a model

module.exports = mongoose.model(collection_name, schema_name)
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Basic operations of Mongoose are:

  1. Create record
  2. Fetch record
  3. Update record
  4. Delete record


  1. Introduction to mongoose for mongodb
  2. Mongoose crash course
  3. Reasons to use mongoose
  4. Mongoose tutorial playlist for beginner

Mongoose documentation can be followed for detailed implementation.

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