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Upgrading to Angular 6!

Stephen Chiang on May 04, 2018

So Angular 6 is out! It comes with many many exciting things, new tooling and easier ways to manage updates of dependencies. Here's th...
chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang β€’

A quick update: I just successfully updated an production Angular v4.0.0 web application to 6. Here are all the steps I took:

This application did not use Angular Material.

I used the following as a checklist:

After updating my CLI and ensuring I'm on Node v8 or higher globally, I started updating the local package.

  1. create a branch in case it doesn't work I can just abandon it. git checkout -b ng6Update

The from within the project root directory:

  1. npm install @angular/cli
  2. ng update @angular/cli
  3. ng update @angular/core
  4. ng update

Refresh the tree view in VS Code to make sure the angular_cli.json was converted to angular.json.

  1. I decided to go the intermediary route and install the rxjs6 compat file with npm i rxjs-compat

If you used ngRedux...

  1. Because this was an Angular 4 project, the ng-redux library being used (/store@v6) needed to be changed (/store@v7 or latest): npm i @angular-redux/store@latest

  2. Just to be sure I ran: ng update again and received an all good message.

  3. ng serve showed me one minor error which was due to an unused import so I just removed it.

I'm still doing testing on all the functionalities as it's a pretty big application, but so far so good!

Remember to periodically check the package.json during the update process to make sure the changes are shown or just run ng-v and try some of the solutions in the comments of this post. The other thing you can try is manually updating the version numbers in the package.json and ng update:

singularity222 profile image
William Applegate β€’

Have you gotten HMR to work successfully in your projects that have been upgraded to Angular 6? I have been unable to get it to work. Also, the wiki article that explains how to enable HMR in an Angular 6 application seems wrong to me. See here:

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang β€’

I haven't tried it yet, but if I do, I'll post up an article.

jamesjansson profile image
James Jansson β€’

Some people may be having issues upgrading, thanks to Angular material. Make sure to run:

ng update @angular/cdk

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang β€’

Thanks! If anyone ran into issues and found fixes please do post them here for everyone.

morr0350 profile image
Tony M β€’

A gotcha I encountered is that I had to rebuild my custom theme file, because Angular Material's core styles have changed and certain things like MatMenu will break without the new CDK overlay styles. So I had to run 'node-sass src/app-theme.scss src/assets/app-theme.css' to update my app styles with Angular Material's new v6 styles (which are imported in my app-theme.scss). Related Stack Overflow post describing issue:

reegodev profile image
Matteo Rigon β€’

To be honest I'm a bit disappointed with this release. All these update helpers a surely nice, but I don't see them as something so major while new features which I would mark as major are still being worked on ( Angular elements and Ivy).

Nice post nonetheless :)

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang β€’

True, the biggest update I, personally, was looking forward to was not included (Ivy) but this release still has some major updates that have meaningful benefits to enterprise development.

For example, being able to create your own component library and associating schematics to them really benefits a team who need to quickly develop in a cohesive style and feeling on multiple projects.

On the other hand, having small personal projects where I am impatiently trying to get to MVP, being able to generate a dashboard with working code quickly really makes a difference to me too.

Hopefully Ive and it's tree-shaking awesomeness gets here in the next weeks.

rogercoder profile image
Roger Hand β€’

I ran this:

npm install -g @angular/cli

but then ng -v showed Angular CLI was still at version 1.6.x.

To upgrade to 6 I had to run:

npm install @angular/cli@latest

joshualjohnson profile image
Joshua Johnson β€’

I can't believe we are on angular 6 already. I wonder if their upgrade and support model will work for organizations?

tayambamwanza profile image
Tayamba Mwanza β€’

"In fact, you’re guaranteed 18 months of long term support. That’s about 6 months of active development followed by 12 months of critical bugfixes and security patches."

ibraheemalkilanny profile image
ibraheemalkilanny β€’

The steps are not complete, I think I need the command to upgrade angular-cli.json to angular.json

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang β€’ β€’ Edited

The steps are complete as
ng update @angular/cli will do that for you.

You can always refer to the official documentation via the links in the article.

reinhardsual profile image
Reinhard Sual β€’

Try to migrate from 4.1 to 6, it works on development.
On production (with AOT) generates lots of errors like:
TS2554: Expected 3 arguments, but got 2.

Any clues?

Thank you.
Reinhard Sual

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang β€’

Hard to say without seeing your code, was it working in 4.1 with ng serve --aot?