Celebrating the successful completion of an extraordinary six-week journey from November 4th to December 15th, 2024, we proudly highlight the outstanding achievements of our Voyage 52 teams. Congratulations to all participants who embraced this adventure with determination, ingenuity, and team spirit. Let's celebrate the groundbreaking projects, meaningful connections, and technical excellence that defined this transformative journey of discovery.
Tier 1 - HTML - Basic Javascript - Basic Algorithms (LANDING PAGES)
Tier 2 - Intermediate Algorithms - Front-end Projects (FRONT-END)
Tier 3 - Advanced Projects - Apps having both Front-end and Back-end components (FULL STACK)
Solar planner Services
It was a good challenge to enhance my skills and increase my self-confidence so that I could accept and complete the project
Tech-Stack: IndexedDB, vanilla javascript , HTML,CSS
Chingu project type: Tier 1
Developer: hala02038
Solar Plexus
This is a solar pannel booking project that allows users to book and admins to manage appointments.
Tech-Stack: React CSS Firebase html node.js
Chingu project type: Tier 1
Developers: breezydd, .yiska, zephyr_koryami
UI/UX Designer: moogle_moxie0018
Data Scientist: markc800
Voyage Guide: yalooolya
Deployed app
Deployed app (Admin)
Solar Vibes
Web application that simplifies the process of booking and managing solar panel evaluations for Los Angeles residents and City Hall employees.
Tech-Stack: JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Chingu project type: Tier 1
Developers: yyeehaaw, guillermoguevara887, -Christina-#6188, minorobsession
Scrum Masters: equilibria7642, sarita5515
Tier 2 Team 20
The Solar Panel App was developed as part of Chingu Voyage 52. This App enables users to book appointments seamlessly. The app communicates with an API to handle the booking data and confirms success upon completing the booking process.
Tech-Stack: FrontEnd: Next.JS, Tailwindcss; Backend: Node.JS, Express.js, Prisma, MongoDB; Monorepo Management: Lerna
Chingu project type: Tier 2
Developers: glswim, swlho, ryu_0724, azalyarahmatika
UI/UX Designer: khb2me
This Project helps Los Angeles residents book requests to install solar panels at there home.
Tech-Stack: Node JS HTML CSS
Chingu project type: Tier 2
Developers: perry3568, JakeMa4o#6260, zarrarabid122
Solar panel planner
SolarSync LA is making solar energy adoption simple and accessible for LA residents.
Tech-Stack: React, Tailwind, Redux Toolkit
Chingu project type: Tier 2
Developers: ayumi4649, predrag94, ikram_mai
Scrum Masters: nune., anitaby
Voyage Guide: simonc137
Empowering Los Angles residents to embrace sustainable energy solutions by providing a seamless and efficient platform for solar panel evaluation and installation guidance.
Tech-Stack: Babel Webpack React-DOM React Google Maps React-Router-Dom React Hook Form React Datepicker react-use-measure Tailwind Css Headless UI React Icons Prop Types React PDF Daisy UI ESLint Axios React Vite uuid
Chingu project type: Tier 2
Developers: reallion., moonshark26, starkspark, ekdms96, lkallen87
Product Owner: j_bunnie
Scrum Master: lidia_0865
Voyage Guide: andresc1310
Web app which advertises services for solar panel installation or maintenance in Los Angeles which residents can make an account and schedule an appointment for an employee to conduct the specified service.
Tech-Stack: React, Vite, TailWindCSS, Mapbox, Supabase,
Chingu project type: Tier 2
Developers: troyzhen, tigeryash, deborahlyra, yash040112_70726
Solar Booker
This app provides a way to connect Los Angeles residents and city hall employees for solar panel evaluations. Residents can create visit requests and city hall employees can schedule them accordingly.
Tech-Stack: React
Chingu project type: Tier 2
Developers: .ericac, matthewneie_03831, jordanr2m
Voyage Guide: valpolarbear
Mobile Phone Usage & Behavior
Our project is to review a mobile usage dataset and explore how mobile phones are being used and the behaviors of their owners.
Tech-Stack: N/A
Chingu project type: Tier 2
Data Scientists: arabaaddaquay, vijay01514
HL Solar
Given prompt: Solar Panel Planner app
Tech-Stack: Python, Flask, Firebase, HTML, JS, CSS
Chingu project type: Tier 3
Developer: carrotsss_5800
BrightGrid is a full-stack web application designed to facilitate Los Angeles residents in scheduling solar panel evaluation visits while enabling city hall employees to manage and optimize these visits efficiently.
Tech-Stack: Next.js, React.js, Tailwind CSS, MongoDB (Mongoose)
Chingu project type: Tier 3
Developers: MHasan1037#5765, ahsas.sharma
Voyage Guide: jdx_code
LiveScape is designed for people who want to discover venues with live music happening in real time, without the wait associated with big concert events.
Tech-Stack: Frontend: React with TypeScript, ViteJS as Build Tool, CSS Tailwind. Backend: Node.JS with TypeScript, Express as API framework, Prisma as ORM, PostgreSQL as database, Zod for validation, Jest for testing.
Chingu project type: Tier 3
Developers: cris.valente, honvedo.adam, carlos_morais
Scrum Master: dami_boy
SunCityLA project is a full-stack application, designed to support residents, in one hand, to schedule/manage their appointments and City Hall Employees, in another hand, to manage/plan visits effectively and in a timely manner. The app includes an admin interface for authorized City Hall Employees to view as well as resident interface, to plan visit schedules.
Tech-Stack: Nextjs, Postgresql, prisma, next-auth
Chingu project type: Tier 3
Developers: Fouad#1791, S13#8785, Feyra#8759
Scrum Master: mariana004457
Web based Day Care Management System
Tech-Stack: Django / Django REST Framework, PostgreSQL ,JSONWebToken ,React, CSS, MaterialUI ,Axios
Chingu project type: Tier 3
Developers: alterego_75789, rumen_68879
Scrum Masters: hebarezk, johnsonval
Develope a user-friendly, web-based application for the City of Los Angeles to support a solar panel initiative aimed at combating global warming. The platform enables residents to schedule evaluations for solar panel installation and allows city employees to manage and plan visits efficiently. The MVP focused on streamlining appointment scheduling and operational workflows to promote sustainable energy adoption.
Tech-Stack: Figma, Google maps API, Postgress, Docker, Prisma, OAuth, Next.js, typescript, Tailwind, CSS
Chingu project type: Tier 3
Developers: munky_quack, n3ndor, mahyar6067, deast#7374
Installation of Solar panels on the roof of houses and raising request as a resident for installation.
Tech-Stack: Nextjs, Supabase, Bootstrap, Google Maps API
Chingu project type: Tier 3
Developers: rossicusmaximus, noordinarygary
Our app lets clients book appointments for a technician to install solar panels at their address. We use NextAuth for Google sign in; registered admin emails have the option to view, schedule and organize all appointments requested. We also have a map display using the Google Maps API with address markers on the appointments list. The appointments are sorted in order by using GraphHopper's route optimization call.
Tech-Stack: React, Next.js, MongoDB
Chingu project type: Tier 3
Developers: aya#3729, jessnugget, timkent, kristi_fied, irondoc
Scrum Master: zuali16
Voyage Guide: dejmedus
The Space Discovery App
The Space Discovery app is an educational website designed to help users explore and learn more about space.
Tech-Stack: React.js / We're still working on the backend (MongoDB, Node.js))
Chingu project type: Tier 3
Developers: Deepali#7555, tay_rika, Rili#6734, jucheng925, psyk3s
Product Owner: valpolarbear
Top comments (5)
Thanks very much for this celebrating , I am very happy for this page to show our success and dedication for voyage52 :-)
Great job everyone. Congratulations to all the Chingus.
Thanks much
Sippy works... I needed a moment but it works. What's up?
Amazing work everyone! Super happy to have been working with all of you!
~ Happy coding - stay amazing