Often we need a fresh copy of the production database in another environment (eg DEV/TEST/UAT).
Previously this was a tedious task involving getting a backup file, copying it to another location, restoring the database. Here is a solution to automate this process using Azure Pipelines.
User Story
Given a production database exists in subscription 1
When we do a release of the Azure Pipeline named ‘Refresh Database – DEV’
Then an copy of production is available in the DEV environment in subscription 2
And permissions are correct for the DEV environment
Pipeline Overview
For each environment that you wish to restore into create an Azure Pipeline with 3 stages.
Create variable groups that are scoped to specific stages
Each variable group contains deployment credentials that the specific stage will require to perform operations within the specific Azure Subscription.
Task 1 – Export
Create a PowerShell task to run a script and pass it the information for the production environment.
This runs against the production environment and creates a blog storage container that holds the exported BACPAC
View code for script production-export.ps1
<# | |
Export the production database to blog container | |
#> | |
[CmdletBinding()] | |
param ( | |
[string] $tenantid, | |
[string] $subscriptionid, | |
[string] $spn_clientid, | |
[string] $spn_secret | |
) | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
Write-Host "variables" | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
$environment = "PRD"; | |
$backups = 'backups' | |
$resourcegroup1 = "AUAZE-$environment-demo" | |
$location1 = "australiaeast" | |
$sqlserver1 = "AUAZE-$environment-demo-dbsvrp1".ToLower() | |
$keyvaultname = "au-demo-$environment-1".ToLower() | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
Write-Host "login via SPN which is locked down to production subscription" | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
az login --service-principal --username $spn_clientid --password $spn_secret --tenant $tenantid | |
$sqladmin = az keyvault secret show --name 'sqladmin' --vault-name $keyvaultname --query 'value' | |
$sqlpassword = az keyvault secret show --name 'sqlpassword' --vault-name $keyvaultname --query 'value' | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
Write-Host "create blog storage with container called bacpac" | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
az storage account create -n $backups -g $resourcegroup1 -l $location1 --sku Standard_LRS | |
$keyvalue = az storage account keys list -g $resourcegroup1 -n $backups --subscription $subscriptionid --query '[0].value' -o json | |
az storage container create -n bacpac --account-name $backups --account-key $keyvalue --auth-mode key | |
az storage container policy create --container-name bacpac --name ReadWrite --account-key ""$keyvalue"" --account-name $backups --auth-mode key --permissions rwdl | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
Write-Host "export bacpac from production to blob container" | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
$filename = "demo_PRD_$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd").bacpac" | |
$bloburi = "https://backups.blob.core.windows.net/bacpac/$filename" | |
az sql db export -s $sqlserver1 -n 'AUAZE-PRD-demo-DB1' -g $resourcegroup1 -p $sqlpassword -u $sqladmin --storage-uri $bloburi --storage-key-type "StorageAccessKey" --storage-key "$keyvalue" |
Results in production once this script run should show the database BACPAC export
Task 2 – Import
Under the ‘import’ stage create a task that will import the BACPAC from the storage container in the production subscription. This uses both production and the environment credentials.
View code for script production-import.ps1
<# | |
import a database from a blob container in another subsciption | |
#> | |
[CmdletBinding()] | |
param ( | |
[string] $environment, # to environment | |
[string] $tenantid, | |
[string] $production_subscriptionid, | |
[string] $production_spn_clientid, | |
[string] $production_spn_secret, | |
[string] $subscriptionid, | |
[string] $spn_clientid, | |
[string] $spn_secret, | |
[string] $skuname | |
) | |
If ($environment -eq $null){ | |
$environment = "DEV"; | |
} | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
Write-Host "variables" | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
$resourcegroup1 = "AUAZE-$environment-DEMO" | |
$production_resourcegroup1 = "AUAZE-PRD-DEMO" | |
$sqlserver1 = "AUAZE-$environment-DEMO-dbsvrp1".ToLower() | |
$keyvaultname = "au-DEMO-$environment-1".ToLower() | |
$backups = 'backups' | |
$filename = "DEMO_PRD_$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd").bacpac" ### YOU CAN ONLY IMPORT TODAYS PRODUCTION EXPORT | |
$bloburi = "https://backups.blob.core.windows.net/bacpac/$filename" | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
Write-Host "login via spn to production and get the container key" | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
az login --service-principal --username $production_spn_clientid --password $production_spn_secret --tenant $tenantid | |
$keyvalue = az storage account keys list -g $production_resourcegroup1 -n $backups --subscription $production_subscriptionid --query '[0].value' -o json | |
az logout --username $production_spn_clientid | |
### DEV or UAT | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
Write-Host "login to dev or uat" | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
az login --service-principal --username $spn_clientid --password $spn_secret --tenant $tenantid | |
$sqladmin = az keyvault secret show --name 'sqladmin' --vault-name $keyvaultname --query 'value' | |
$sqlpassword = az keyvault secret show --name 'sqlpassword' --vault-name $keyvaultname --query 'value' | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
Write-Host "import bacpac from production to blob container" | |
Write-Host "************************************************" | |
az account set --subscription $subscriptionid | |
az sql db delete -g $resourcegroup1 -s $sqlserver1 -n "DEMO" --yes | |
az sql db create -g $resourcegroup1 -s $sqlserver1 -n "DEMO" --service-objective $skuname | |
az sql db import -s $sqlserver1 -n "DEMO" -g $resourcegroup1 -u $sqladmin -p $sqlpassword --auth-type SQL --storage-uri $bloburi --storage-key-type "StorageAccessKey" --storage-key "$keyvalue" |
Task 3 – Sanitise
Create a 3rd task in the ‘Sanitise’ stage.
This will scramble any information you do not want in that environment (eg emails).
Also remove any Production SQL user account and replace them with environment specific
View code for script sanitise
<# | |
sanitise database | |
remove any production data or permissions | |
#> | |
[CmdletBinding()] | |
param ( | |
[string] $environment, | |
[string] $tenantid, | |
[string] $subscriptionid, | |
[string] $spn_clientid, | |
[string] $spn_secret | |
) | |
# powershell sql module | |
if (-not (Get-Command Invoke-Sqlcmd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { | |
Write-Error "Unabled to find Invoke-SqlCmd cmdlet" | |
install-module sqlserver | |
update-module sqlserver | |
} | |
if (-not (Get-Module -Name SqlServer | Where-Object {$_.ExportedCommands.Count -gt 0})) { | |
Write-Error "The SqlServer module is not loaded" | |
Import-Module SqlServer -ErrorAction Stop | |
} | |
if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object Name -eq SqlServer)) { | |
Write-Error "Can't find the SqlServer module" | |
install-module sqlserver | |
update-module sqlserver | |
Import-Module SqlServer -ErrorAction Stop | |
} | |
### LOGIN | |
az login --service-principal --username $spn_clientid --password $spn_secret --tenant $tenantid | |
$keyvaultname = "au-key-$environment-1".ToLower() | |
# get SQL Server admin credentials from key vault | |
$sqladmin = az keyvault secret show --name 'sqladmin' --vault-name $keyvaultname --query 'value' | |
$sqlpassword = az keyvault secret show --name 'sqlpassword' --vault-name $keyvaultname --query 'value' | |
# build sql to clean emails | |
$sql += "UPDATE contact SET email ='sanitised@test.com'" | |
$sql += "`n" | |
$sql += "UPDATE contact SET phone ='0444444444'" | |
$sql += "`n" | |
# execute SQL against database | |
Invoke-SqlCmd -ServerInstance "tcp:auaze-$environment-demo.database.windows.net" -Database "AUAZE-$environment-DEMO" -Username "$sqladmin" -Password $sqlpassword -Query $sql | |
Running the pipeline now copies the database to the DEV environment. Typically after this will run a software build which will automatically apply schema changes currently in DEV in the database. Happy restoring!
Top comments (5)
Good post. Realize this is an old post but do you have any thoughts on selective restore of a subset of production data into lower environments. Restoring the entire production database into lower environments is too expensive. We also have many production databases that would need to stay in sync in lowers with regard to the subset.
Hi. This looks like it could help me, but when i click on the pic thumbnails I get 404 errors. I think I need a better view of those thumnails. Could you update the post pretty please?
@chris_mcklet Very good blog friend, I have a question, what do you use in the git _arm templates repository, I don't understand that part much I have some doubts there, thank you.
Hi - that folder contained the ARM templates for the original solution. The scripts to action this blog post were stored in a folder under it called 'scripts'. Hope that answers your question?
Hi, Chris McKelt, Nice writing! Thanks for the blog.
Do you have a similar script for MySQL, Cosmos, and Mongo?