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Here's How to Successfully Launch Your Mobile App [Checklist]

These mobile app launch marketing tactics will help you maximize the potential of your app’s success in the competitive app market.

Ramp up your user acquisition efforts

With a user acquisition strategy, there is no one way. Making sure to try different things, get creative, and continually refine your user strategy is crucial. Aim to get as many downloads as possible in the first week after launch. The more rapidly your app gets downloads, the higher it will rank in the App Store results.

Encourage referrals from friends and family

Word of mouth is the single most effective user acquisition tactic.

Link to your app (everywhere)

In your email signature, social bios for the app, on your homepage, etc. You can even take this a step further and add a project to your LinkedIn Page.

Think about your paid strategy

After the app is launched, start rolling out advertising such as social Facebook ads, which are extremely effective for user acquisition. Depending on your target demographic, you should also consider other platforms like Instagram and Twitter, although the reach is not as large but still effective especially for millennials. Facebook’s ads platform is great at letting you target your desired audience by their interests, location, and much more. If you’re targeting your audience via social ads, you need to remember that people have shorter attention spans, so your ads should convey the purpose of the ad in a few seconds.

If you’re providing a solution that your users are searching for, Google Search ads may also be a good option.

Pro Tip: Facebook Ads can also let you retarget people who have downloaded your other apps or visited your website. Targeting is what makes Facebook Ads so powerful compared to other advertising platforms. For more information, Apptentive breaks it down in detail.

Engage with customers that have been acquired

Establish a two-way dialogue. Community building via social platforms is essential. Make sure you’re posting in groups, forums, and discussion boards. If your app solves a problem, look to answer questions about that problem on Quora.

Pro Tip: To get the most out of Quora, make sure that you’re providing value in everything you post. Tell a story or give an example along with your answer and people will be more likely read your full answer and check out your app.

Pitch more aggressively for interviews, videos, & podcasts

Aim for brand mentions to acquire backlinks. You want to continuously focus on SEO. Back-linking is the best way to get your app seen as it boosts visibility on search engines, and promotes brand awareness.

Offer exclusive interviews to journalists

Providing them with a unique interview will increase your chances of getting published.

Guest post on websites that have an established audiences

Write guest posts for other audiences that are targeting your personas. Guest blogging can help establish your authority in your area of expertise. If you choose wisely and target blogs with high readership, you’ll reach a brand new market which will convert into more downloads for your app.

Start reaching out to influencers to review your app

Start reaching out to influencers mentioned earlier- bloggers, podcasters, you tubers, newspapers, journalists, tech bloggers, etc. When pitching to bloggers and app reviewers, offer incentives and build a relationship with them.

Pro Tip: Reach out to influencers directly to negotiate cheaper rates and find better opportunities.

Reach out to Top Apps Lists

Make sure they have high authority and ask them to feature your app.

Pitch to Apple’s editorial team to get your app featured in the App Store
Every day, a free or paid app and game is reviewed by professional App Store curators. Apple receives thousands of pitches to feature mobile apps. This tactic can be useful if done persuasively. Craft a convincing pitch that outlines what your app does and how it’s unique. Here are 10 ways to get your app featured in the App Store.

Apply for mobile app awards

Entering your app for awards can boost visibility, reaching new networks of potential users. You’ll also increase your chances of securing a mention in high authority publications and media outlets.

Pro Tip: If your app has won any awards, make sure to show it off via your ads, social platforms, website, and pitch to journalists. Also, consider writing a blog about it and share on various platforms.

Comment on other blogs for community building

You can use tools such as BuzzSumo to identify key influencers.

Submit app to app review websites

A few choices are 148apps, App Store Apps, AppReviews, App Awards, and The Mobileys.

Contact editors of app review sites via Twitter, email, or contact form.

You can also boast about your app on product curation sites like Product Hunt which is a website that allows users to discover, share, and vote on new products. Submit your app to the site to reach a wider audience.

Ask users for feedback and start responding to reviews, comments, etc.
Regularly read over the app store reviews and ask loyal customers for positive ones. Also, pay attention to common complaints. Keep these communication channels open so you can continue revising and improving your app’s ratings so you can better serve your users.

Once you have feedback, think about engagement and retention strategies

Most people will put considerable thought into acquisition marketing, but once you’ve acquired users, however, the job has only begun. Your next move should be to develop a plan of action for retention marketing to secure your new customers for the long haul.

Push notifications have been shown to increase user retention, with statistics showing anywhere from a 56% to a 180% improvement . Users who have opted into receiving push notifications exhibit 88% higher app engagement than those who haven’t. The higher retention rate, the better the ranking in the app store. Leanplum is a great app marketing tool that helps boost mobile engagement.

Giving users incentive to use your app can also go a long way. Mobile-specific rewards, specialized content access, coupons, special promotions, and other offers will help drive conversions and encourage engagement.

Map the user journey to re-engage users

Identify inactive users before they give up on your app, and encourage them to become active again.

Focus on customer service

Responding to customer support emails and forums. Do a search to see where your app is mentioned. You can use a tool like BuzzSumo for this.

Make it easier for users to share your app

Understand how your users are sharing the app with their friends. And make it easy for them to do so.

Think about using print

Get traditional posters and business cards made and hand them out in areas where your target audience is. e.g College campuses, coffee shops, etc.

Pro Tip: Bring the business cards with you wherever you are and hand one out if you speak to someone about your app.

Use QR codes in your physical marketing

Make it easier for people to download your app from physical marketing materials such as flyers, posters, and business cards by using a QR code. Minimizing the amount of effort makes it more likely that people will give it a try.

Secure speaking engagements

Are you an expert on a particular topic? Pitch to event planners and try to secure a spot on a panel discussion.

These mobile app marketing hard launch tactics will increase the chances of your app succeeding in the market. However, there is no magic formula- what works for your brand may not work for others, which is why it's imperative to experiment with different strategies and focus your efforts on the ones that have the highest return.

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