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clsource profile image

I should improve my writing skills so I do not sound so "salesmanly". But I really think we should have a new "label". As I said traditional "unicorn roles" tell the story of someone who is not afraid of working late after hours, that do everything from database design and server configuration to UX persona tests, with little or none compensation increase. Someone who is technically skilled but their life overall is aweful because they only work and sleep (if any).

Those old labels do not promote a self care, success and abundance mindset.

Those old labels do not care about the people, only on the technical side of things.

Those old labels do not have a framework on which you can know if you can use it to describe yourself.

HR could use this new Software Forgemaster label to bring people with a successful and healthy mindset. And if most people in the company have a succesful mindset. Only success can be achieved.

PS: The Archmaester thing is a nice touch!. Maybe you could do something similar with Software Forgemaster too!.

allanmacgregor profile image
Allan MacGregor 🇨🇦

We don't need more labels, we need less labels. You are not doing anything ground breaking here, this how we ended up with all other unicorn titles.

You don't need a label, to get what you want from your profession, labels are at the end meaningless.

Focus on the doing good work.

HR could use this new Software Forgemaster label to bring people with a successful and healthy mindset. And if most people in the company have a succesfull mindset. Only success can be achieved.

It really comes out cultish and salesmansy.

clsource profile image
Camilo • Edited

I know i'm not doing something out of this world. I'm just defining a new label that people could use. Other "unicorn" titles as you name it, lacks meaning and just were invented by marketing needs.

This label is defined because in our industry a lot of people do not love themselves so much, they think they are not worthy of having self respect and success. They are missing a lot of opportunities to grow, because of low standards and listening to lower self thoughts.

You can focus on doing good work. But also focus on your self care.

We all need high standards to ourselves so we have a better life, in this way we can contribute better in our work activities.

allanmacgregor profile image
Allan MacGregor 🇨🇦

I know i'm not doing something out of this world. I'm just defining a new label that people could use. Other "unicorn" titles as you name it, lacks meaning and just were invented by marketing needs.

And this is not?

This label is defined because in our industry a lot of people do not love themselves so much, they think they are not worthy of having self respect and success. They are missing a lot of opportunities to grow, because of low standards and listening to lower self thoughts

I'm sorry but where are you getting this information? Do you realize that maybe your perception my influenced by your immediate circumstances and that is not the reality for most of us.

Now, let's assume for a moment that your statement is true; if people in our industry lack self respect, have low self esteem and they are not living a good life (whatever that means) don't you think that the causes of that might be deeper than just the title people apply to themselves.

clsource profile image

Thank you but I will explain such topics in another post. This comment section is limited.