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Adrian Matei for Codever

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How to delete documents in mongo with mongoose

To delete one entry you can use findOneAndRemove command - it issues a mongodb findAndModify remove command.
Finds a matching document, removes it, passing the found document (if any) to the callback.

let deleteBookmarkById = async (userId, bookmarkId) => {
  const bookmark = await Bookmark.findOneAndRemove({
    _id: bookmarkId,
    userId: userId

  if ( !bookmark ) {
    throw new NotFoundError('Bookmark NOT_FOUND with id: ' + bookmarkId);
  } else {
    return true;
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An alternative is to use the deleteOne() method which deletes the first document that matches conditions from the collection. It returns an object with the property deletedCount indicating how many documents were deleted:

let deleteBookmarkById = async (userId, bookmarkId) => {
  const response = await Bookmark.deleteOne({
    _id: bookmarkId,
    userId: userId

  if ( response.deletedCount !== 1 ) {
    throw new NotFoundError('Bookmark NOT_FOUND with id: ' + bookmarkId);
  } else {
    return true;
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To delete multiple documents use the deleteMany function. This deletes all the documents that match the conditions specified in filter. It returns an object with the property deletedCount containing the number of documents deleted.

 * Delete bookmarks of a user, identified by userId
let deleteBookmarksByUserId = async (userId) => {
  await Bookmark.deleteMany({userId: userId});
  return true;
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