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COEP's Free Software Users Group
COEP's Free Software Users Group

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Free Softwares

Free Software Foundation

“Free software” or Libre Software means software that respects users' freedom and community. Roughly, it means that the users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software and any adapted versions.

The term ‘Free Software’ was first coined by Richard Stallman, the founder of the FSF. He also introduced the concept of copyleft.

Computer programs are deemed "free" if they give end-users (not just the developers) ultimate control over the software and, subsequently, over their devices.

Definition of Free Software:

A program is free software if the program's users have the four essential freedoms:

  • Freedom 0 : The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose .
  • Freedom 1 : The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
  • Freedom 2 : The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others.
  • Freedom 3 : The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others. By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

What qualifies as Free Software?
Licenses, a one-word answer! Licenses are crucial to qualify software as Free/Libre or Non-free. They decide the nature by which a piece of code can or cannot be treated.

Some commonly used free softwares are :

  • The Linux kernel
  • Git
  • Apache Web Server
  • VLC media player
  • Mozilla Firefox

A detailed explanation on Free Software and its importance by Richard Stallman in one of his TEDx Talks :

Difference between Free Softwares and Freeware

Freeware is any software that is distributed for use at a price of zero. However, freeware may not be "free software".

Free Software FreeWare
Free software is software that can be used, studied, and modified without restriction, and which can be copied and redistributed in modified or unmodified form either without restriction. Freeware refers to software that anyone can download from the Internet and use for free.
Coined by Richard Stallman in 1983, to satisfy the need for and to give the benefit of “software freedom” to computer users. Coined by Andrew Fluegelman in 1982, when he wanted to sell a communications program named PC-Talk.
These softwares use copyleft licenses like GNU General Public License. It uses copyright licenses.
All the features are free. All the features are free.
Programs can be distributed free of cost. Freeware programs can be distributed free of cost.
Mozilla Firefox, GCC, Brave, Signal, LibreOffice, Tor Browser Adobe PDF, Google Talk, Yahoo messenger, Google Chrome


  1. What category of software does Telegram fit in?
  2. What is the difference between chromium and chrome?

General software directories:

Additional readings:

~ Akshay Khoje

Top comments (1)

chiro2002 profile image

Very usefull information! Niceee