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Connor Dillon
Connor Dillon

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Git Basics

Repository Basics

Create a new directory, cd to it in your terminal, and perform the following command to create a new git repository:

git init project-name
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To create a working copy of local repository

git clone /path/to/repository
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To create a working copy of a remote server

git clone username@host:/path/to/repository
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Git Staging, Commits, and Pushing

Stage files via source control:

To add all changes to the index, which is the "queue" where uncommitted changes sit

git add -A
# or
git add *
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To check current status of your branch, commits, and staged files

git status
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To commit your changes

git commit -m 'message'
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To push your commits to the master branch

git push origin master
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Create a new branch named "feature_x" and switch to it

git checkout -b feature_x
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Switch back to master

git checkout master
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Delete branch named “feature_x"

git branch -d feature_x
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Push the branch to the remote repository so that others can access it

git push origin <branch>
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Updates and Merging

Update your local repository to the newest commit

git pull
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Merge another branch into your active branch (check via git status)

git merge <branch>
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If conflicts arise, make manual changes and then re-merge with git add

git add <filename>
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Preview differences before merging changes

git diff <source_branch> <target_branch>
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Tagging and Logging

Study repository history

git log
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Looks at most recent merge

git log -1
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Setting a Project Up With Git (Locally)

  1. In your terminal, initialize a local repository
git init
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If necessary, don’t forget to add a .gitignore file

  1. In Terminal, do: git add *
  2. In Terminal, do: git commit -m 'YOUR-COMMENT-HERE'

Setting a Git Repository and Committing to It

  1. Go to GitHub and create a new repository, calling it REPOSITORY-NAME
  2. In Terminal, do: echo "# REPOSITORY-NAME" >>
  3. Write to your file: click here for reference
  4. In your terminal, run the following commands:
git add
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
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Using SSH to Connect to a Repository

For an existing repository:

  1. Go to GitHub and hit Clone or Download and then select Use SSH and then copy the URL sh…
  2. In Terminal, do sh git remote set-url origin…
  3. In Terminal, do sh git remote -v to check if the process was completed correctly.

Deploying to gh-pages

  1. In Terminal, do: npm init
  2. In Terminal, do: npm i gh-pages to install the proper dependencies
  3. Create a .gitignore file, and add node_modules to the file.
  4. In packages.json file, replace the “scripts”: {} default with:
"scripts": {
    "deploy": "gh-pages -d dist”
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  1. In packages.json file, change (or add) the homepage section:
“homepage”: "”
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"homepage": ""

  1. Go to GitHub and create a new repository with the same name that you created in the previous step, “repository-name”
  2. In Terminal, do sh git init
  3. In Terminal, do sh git add . to add all to staging
  4. In Terminal, do sh git commit -m ‘COMMENT’
  5. Go back to GitHub and copy the sh git remote add origin… line
  6. In Terminal, paste the sh git remote add origin… line
  7. In Terminal, do sh gitpush -u origin master
  8. In Terminal, do npm run deploy

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