DEV Community

Should kids learn to code?

CoolScratcher on November 14, 2020

This is a question that has been floating in my mind for a while. Being a 12-year-old myself, I have been asked this many times by adults who clear...
zimlearn profile image
Dr Abstract

Pleased to meet you - we are all for kids coding! Languages are easier when you are young. Youth often have passion and creativity and are not jaded - all good qualities. Please drop on by we love the front end!!! Code creativity!

zimlearn profile image
Dr Abstract

Just dedicated a post to you! Cheers.

kant312 profile image
Quentin Delcourt

Why not? πŸ™‚

taufik_nurrohman profile image
Taufik Nurrohman

I see coding the same way as playing games. Both work in front of a computer. Kids and adults are doing that anyway.

Improve your talent silently, don’t try to impress people directly by talking about coding in person. Only talk about it IF THEY ASK. Write blog posts about your learning journey online. People would accept it. Believe me!

coolscratcher profile image

Well, adults are adults. They're supposed to know everything. Sort of. They at least are expected to know more than me, which they 100% succeed in. I usually only talk about coding if they are interested like you said. However, I've been trying to start coding classes for my peers, some of which are older than me, and they certainly don't know more than me in certain areas. So I'm already following your formula πŸ˜€.
As for blog posts, nah. I'm not doing that. Well, on, I already am. Not really, but close enough.
One last thing.
Coding is not the same as playing computer games!

hrghafouri profile image
HamidReza Ghafouri

Well, that's going to be the most memorable thing I've ever read. Thank you for this and I want to say that you should never stop this process and always try not to care about others. It's you who builds you. I hope you will send me a message on Instagram in a few years and praise your success. in a few years, find me with the hr_ghafoori ID on Instagram πŸ˜‰

coolscratcher profile image


promikecoder2020 profile image
ProMikeCoder2020 • Edited

I am just a year older and I can definitely agree with you on most points. It's really cool to impress your friends(and you get that sweet reputation) with websites and unless you are doing something crazy back end is only nice the first time because after that it became a repetetive. Really wished I had more time I could spend programming

coolscratcher profile image

yeah lol.... it's hard multitasking. Being a kid AND surviving school AND running a business AND coding is really hard for me :D

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Kids should definitely learn coding! The job opportunities are endless, plus it's great for logic and, well, a lot of things.

You might tone the, I don't know, 'pride?' down a bit, though (please don't take this personally, but some people might be offended by your statements like β€œI'm known in school for being the smart AND cool kid, as my code creations are awesome.”).

Anyway, all that said, I admire your abilities. Yes! Kids should code. At 14, I don't really see how an adult could code any better than a kid. I know someone who made several apps, some software, and a couple websites before they were 15.

cadams profile image
Chad Adams

Yes definitely. I started coding when I was 14 but I really wish I stayed with it and was more serious about it back then.

coolscratcher profile image

Chances are, you were more serious about it than you think :)

prem874 profile image

Yes, Kids can code visit they are great for kids coding