This is a quick one. Update the servers list on this file, then you will have your SSH/SFTP connections displayed in a nicely table-like format, so you can easily pick one to connect to!
""" | |
Requirements: | |
tabulate==0.8.9 | |
""" | |
import os | |
from tabulate import tabulate | |
PRIMARY_SSH_KEY = r"C:\Users\costa\.ssh\sample" | |
servers = [ | |
['server-01', "root","",PRIMARY_SSH_KEY,"3309"], | |
['server-02', "teste","",PRIMARY_SSH_KEY,"NA"] | |
] | |
servers.sort() | |
counter = 0 | |
for i in servers: | |
i.append(counter) | |
counter +=1 | |
servers_table = tabulate(servers,headers,tablefmt="fancy_grid") | |
print(f"{len(servers)} available connections") | |
print(servers_table) | |
def get_connection_type(alias)-> str: | |
headers = ["TYPE","ID"] | |
connections = [ | |
["SSH",0], | |
["SFTP",1] | |
] | |
connections_table = tabulate(connections,headers,tablefmt="fancy_grid") | |
print(connections_table) | |
while True: | |
choice = input(f"Connection type ID for {alias}: ") | |
try: | |
choice = int(choice) | |
return connections[choice][0] | |
except: | |
print(f"Type a number from 0-{len(connections)-1}") | |
continue | |
while True: | |
choice = input("Server ID or 'Q' for quitting: ") | |
if choice.lower() == "q": | |
break | |
else: | |
try: | |
choice = int(choice) | |
alias = servers[choice][0] | |
user = servers[choice][1] | |
ip = servers[choice][2] | |
key = servers[choice][3] | |
local_forward = servers[choice][4] | |
connection_type = get_connection_type(alias).lower() | |
if local_forward.upper() != "NA" and connection_type.upper() == "SSH": | |
local_forward = local_forward.split() | |
os.system(f"{connection_type} -i {key} -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -L {local_forward[0]}:{local_forward[1]} {user}@{ip}") | |
break | |
os.system(f"{connection_type} -i {key} -o IdentitiesOnly=yes {user}@{ip}") | |
break | |
except: | |
print(f"Type a number from 0-{len(servers)-1}") | |
continue | |
Thanks for the time reading this!
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